Monday, August 27, 2018

The week of August 27-31!

Happy Monday!  Today we had our first fire drill!  We had practiced last week and the kids did pretty well today!  We leave out the front door and head to the top of the hill in the back.  I have a lot of quiet voices in our class, so I'm teaching them how to say my name loudly when I call their name. :)

Homework!  For the first time assigning homework, I had over half the class return it today! Please return it asap when it is completed!  Thank you!
 A couple of things:  
1.  Please make sure your child writes their name on the front of their packet or homework.  
2.  Please make sure he/she only writes with a pencil, as we only write letters and numbers with a pencil at school so we can erase if we need to.  
3.  Please read the directions to your child so they understand what they are doing.  
4.  Please look over their work to make sure they did it correctly and understood what they were doing.  
5.  Please look for the due date at the top and teach your child to return it on time to get in the habit.  
6.  Most packets will come home at the end of the week, so make sure to look in the folder for the packet.
7.  Thank you for helping your child at home!  We are going to get them a long ways this year working together!  :):)

Homework this week!  I have another number writing packet coming home this Wednesday.  It is writing 4, 5, 6.  It will be due this Friday, 8/31.  Please have it back by then, as a Topic 1 review is going home on Friday, due on Tues. 9/4.  This will give you an idea of what the math test will be like.

This week in reading!
I am introducing Ff, Hard and soft Gg, Hh, Ii, and Jj.  You can help at home too!  Find the ABC sounds and actions in the Parent Info. Packet to review each night with your child!  

Sight words:  You received the 50 sight word cards at PIN last Thursday.  Please cut them a part and put them in a group by quarter.  Go ahead and work on the ones we are working on at school.  If your child knows them well, then move on.  

This week's sight words are:  *like, yellow.  "Like" is not one of the required 50 words, but there are nine bonus words that we think are important to know, and like is one of them.  I will italicize any that are not required.  

Math--  This week we are counting and writing 4 and 5.  We will have our first Topic 1 test next week.  There are 16 topics in our Envision math program.  Please look over your child's math sheets to enhance counting and writing at home!

We are writing numbers often with our dry erase boards.  
Our color of the week is:  yellow.  If your child would like to show you the color videos, look up--yellow song from Frog Street Press and you should find them!

I am attaching the color snack list so you can see what color is coming up and who signed up for the snack.  We will always wear the color of the week on Thursdays!

First Day of School!

Red Day!

Coming up!
Aug. 28       Practice books come home from the library!
Aug. 30     Wear yellow today!
Aug 31       All School Picture!
Sept. 3       Labor Day!  No School

Sept. 6       Wear blue today!    Apple Day Planning meeting at 4:15 in Maker Space
Sept. 13     Wear Green today!
Sept. 20     Wear Purple today!
Sept. 26     P/T conferences 4:30-8:00
Sept. 27     P/T conf. 10:00-8:00
Sept. 28     No School

Monday, August 20, 2018

The week of Aug. 20-24.

Wow!  I was amazed today when the class lined up quietly in a nice, straight line, without me needing to remind them!  We have improved so much since last week!  I think they must've had dreams about kindergarten over the weekend!  :)

What's new this week?
Imagination Station!  What is it?  It's a play-based learning room, where the kids get to be social, learn to cooperate, investigate, and explore through learning!  Our stations are:
1.  Vet Clinic   2.  House   3.  Sensory   4.  School   5.  Art   6.  Dramatic Play   7. Construction 
8.  CCE Grocery   9.  Calming Station
We will go there each day from 3:00-3:30. Each station can have 3 students.  After we learn what to do at each station, the kids will get to pick where they want to go each day! 

Today we will listen to Mrs. Scott explain what we do in Station 1-the Vet Clinic and Station 2- The House.  We will continue to learn about the stations each day of this week and draw a picture about the station after learning about them.  It is the highlight of their day usually! 

I would love for all of the parents to check it out after I have visited with you at Parent Info. Night on Thursday!

Color snack each week!
All but one color snack was filled up at our Open House last week!  I only have black left for anyone who is interested that didn't get to choose a color snack.  Our color days will be on Thursdays, so we will wear red this Thursday.  You may still send in a snack that day, but we will eat the color snack brought in first.  If your child doesn't care for it, then they can eat their own snack.

Please try to send in a healthy color snack and if you want to add a special little treat with it, that's fine.  I would love for the snack to be put in 18 individual baggies to make it easy to pass out please. 
If you have any questions, please let me know.  Grace has our red snack for Thursday!  Thank you Grace! 

Parent Information Night 
is this Thursday, at 6:30.  I am usually done in 45 min. or sooner, and then we'll walk to the Imagination Station to see what your child will be telling you about at home!  Only parents please as we will be packed and it won't be interesting for any kiddos!  If only one of you can come, that's fine!  Please let me know if you aren't able to make it.  I will keep a packet for you!

This week in Reading!
We will be reading books about school and building our "schema" finding correlations between the book and what we have experienced.  Today we listened for rhyming words in our story, Miss Bindergarten gets ready for Kindergarten! 
 The first 20 days I will introduce a letter and sound a day.  Today was letter Aa, and B-E will be introduced the rest of the week!  Then we will go to a letter a week to dive in more!

Handwriting without Tears--We are learning to make the numbers and letters with foam long lines, little lines, big curves and little curves.  Friday, we used little chalkboards to write 1 and 2.  Today we will be writing 1 and 2 in our handwriting book!  There will be homework sent home on Friday to review writing the numbers 1-4.  

Math--We just began our first math sheet today!  Look for it in your child's folder!

Homework!  Please return any homework packets on the due date listed on the packet.  Or if it's one sheet, please return it completed the next school day.  I try to put due dates at the top.

I'll talk about more info. this Thursday!  I hope you can all make it!

Coming Up!
Aug. 23      Wear red today!
Aug. 28       Practice books come home from the library!
Aug. 30     Wear yellow today!
Sept. 3       Labor Day!  No School
Sept. 6       Wear blue today!    Apple Day Planning meeting at 4:00 in Maker Space

Here are some pictures from our first week of school!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

My first blog of Kindergarten!

Welcome to my blog!  I absolutely love sharing what we do in Kindergarten through pictures and what we will be doing weekly!
You can look for my blog to be sent usually on Mondays, unless I inform you that it will be Tuesday.  I will always email you the link when it's updated so you don't have to check it on your own.  It is not a blog for you to reply to.  You can always email me for those private conversations.  Grandparents can also view it, if they like to keep up with what their grandchild is doing in Kindergarten!  :)

This week we are learning so much about the procedures of Kindergarten.  We are also learning each other's names and having fun doing activities to find out things we like.

Today we learned about filling up each other's buckets and why drops might be falling out of buckets.  We have a class bucket that we will work as a team to fill up when we get compliments from other teachers in the hall and lunchroom, from specials teachers, and when I catch them working as a team to make our classroom "ROCK"!

We also have our table teams that are helping each other earn tally marks throughout the day.  The team with the most at the end of the day earns the Oscar trophy to keep on their desk the next day!
We are Team Scott in here and learning to be HELPERS not HURTERS!

Parent Information Night--Thursday, Aug. 23 at 6:30.  An info. letter is coming home today!

Sight words
We have our first sight words of the year--I, red
I will be giving you all of our sight words for the year next Thursday at our Parent Information Night.
We have 50 words to learn by the end of the year!  You will get all of this information next Thursday!

Handwriting Without Tears

This is our handwriting program.  Today we learned that big circles, little circles, big lines, and little lines make all of the letters and numbers.  We also sang a song about our letters and numbers starting at the top!  


The kids did great at lunch today!  The fifth graders came and helped us learn how to get our food and open the cartons.  Unfortunately, we only have like 23 min. to eat by the time we get through the line following other classes.  We will have five kindergarten classes and two 3 grade classes in lunch together beginning next week!  So, waiting in line will shorten our lunch at times.  It will help the kids greatly to finish their lunches if they start eating right away and keep their visiting at a minimal. 

There's so much to learn in a full day kindergarten as you can see!!  I'll keep informing you as new things are happening!