Monday, February 24, 2020

The week of Feb. 24-28.

It's hard to believe we are on the last week of February!  The kids have progressed so well and it's so fun to watch them read and write sentences!

We are going to be authors and illustrators of our first book this week!  The first step last week was brainstorming ideas for our Favorite Holiday.  Then, we drew pictures of our holiday, the season it is in, and two more details about why it's our favorite. This week we will be transferring our picture ideas to our book and adding sentences about our pictures.  It's such fun watching them get excited about being authors and illustrators!

In reading we are reading two short stories about weather.  One is a nonfiction about and Ice Hotel!  We couldn't believe there was such a thing and who would want to sleep in it!!  The 2nd one is a realistic fiction story about a family in a snowstorm.  We will compare the two stories and how they are the same and different.

sight words:  it, there (We learned that "there" has a homonym.  It is "their"!)
letter:  Kk

Handwriting:  We are learning the correct way to write lowercase letters!  Yay!  I am also asking the class to erase any uppercase letters they write in words and sentences that should be lowercase letters.  It's a hard habit to break, so if you see them doing it, please give a reminder to fix them!  Thank you!

Math:  Today we went over their math test, so it should be in their folder.  I introduced what subtraction is and how it is different from addition.  Please work on the addition math fact flashcards at home.  Each will have another set at school to practice.  

Science:  Our first science unit will be on Weather.  We will be reading stories about weather and learning what climate is and how it affects the land where we live.  More to come on our weather unit!

Coming up!
Feb. 28                       Dental screening if you opted in for your child to get screened.
Mar. 3                       Spring pictures
Mar. 10                     KDG round-up for incoming KDG @ 6:00
Mar. 16-23               spring break
Mar. 23                     End of 3rd quarter
Mar. 26                      Fritz' night
Mar. 27                      Grades posted for 3rd quarter

April 24                    Kindergarten Open House!  Time to be determined, but plan on 2:15-2:30.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The week of Feb. 18-21.

Thank you all for taking time out of your day to share in your child's accomplishments in KDG!  It shows how much you care about your child's development socially and academically.  Please take the time and talk to your child about how wonderful they are doing and how proud you are of them for trying their best at school!

Kansas clip!  Unfortunately I forgot to show some of you your child's Kansas symbol clip they made.  Also, if you didn't see your child's President video, you can view it now too.  I am sending home a QR code from Seesaw that you will sign up to view.  Then, you can see both videos and share them with your spouse if they couldn't make it.  The kids also play games on Seesaw that you can view also.  If your child doesn't have very many games to view, they may be using their Ipad time to listen to books or play Reading Eggs.  I hope you enjoy them!

This week in Reading!
Letter of the week--Jj
sight words:  all, said

We are learning about what an opinion is!  We read a book about the author telling his opinion of favorite holidays.  Then, we shared our opinion of our favorite holiday and will write about it in our journals.

Math this week!
We are continuing with addition facts to 5.  Look for the addition facts cards to cut up, hole punch, and put a ring on.  I taped a ring to the facts page for you to use.  Have your child help you tell the math fact and write the correct answer on the back.  It would be great to use coins, buttons, or any counter to make groups to add the addends together to find the answer, instead of you giving the answer to them.  A great project to work together on!

Today, I am sending home two math practice sheets to be completed before Friday when our test is.  It will be a good review before the test.

Coming up!
Feb. 21                      PTA  Family Movie Night 7 pm
Mar. 3 .                      Spring pictures
Mar. 10                     KDG round-up for incoming KDG @ 6:00
Mar. 16-23               spring break
Mar. 23                     End of 3rd quarter
Mar. 26                      Fritz' night
Mar. 27                      Grades posted for 3rd quarter

Valentine Party pics!

Monday, February 3, 2020

The week of Feb. 3-7.

It happened!  I think it's very surreal for everyone yet.  But, what an awesome, but stressful win last night!  If you haven't heard yet, there will be no school on Wednesday, so all can go to the parade if they want to.  Be safe if you do!

This week is a little more back to normal in our classroom, with no special days.  Last week was quite crazy with Kansas activities and 100's Day activities. I'm happy for normalcy.

Today we learned more about Groundhog's Day and what it is.  We made groundhog puppets and went out to see if we could see our shadow.  We did, which would mean 6 more weeks of winter.  However, Punxsutawney Phil, the Groundhog in Pennsylvania, did not see his shadow.  I like that forecast better!

Book it Calendars!  Please return Jan. calendars by Friday!

Reading/Social Studies--We will be learning about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln this week with President's Day coming up!

Letter of the week--Ww, wh
Sight words: how, have

Math this week!  Topic 7 Understanding Addition.
The last test we took over numbers to 100 will come home this week.  I've a few absent, so we haven't had time to go over it.

Sight words:  Please keep reviewing 1st and 2nd quarter sight words once in a while to make sure they are not forgotten.  If you haven't started working on 3rd quarter, please do.  We are already 10 words into 3rd quarter.  It's hard to catch up!

Coming up!
Feb. 12                      Valentine's Party 11:15-11:50, Dismiss at 12:10, P/T conferences 4:15-8:00
Feb. 13                      P/T conferences all day--No School
Feb. 14/17                 No School
Feb. 21                      PTA  Family Movie Night 7 pm

Kansas Sunflowers!

 Mixing our trailmix on 100's Day