Thursday, August 27, 2020

Welcome to First Grade!

Hello Parents,

Some of you are familiar with me as a Kindergarten teacher here at CCE, and a few of your children were in my class last year!   I am so excited to teach your first graders this year!  This is my first year teaching first grade at CCE, although I taught first grade several years ago.  So, I'm very familiar with the first grade standards.  

With the added Optional Remote classes this year, and those teachers teaching in their classrooms, I am able to stay in my classroom.  Therefore we will be located at the end of the Kindergarten hallway by the playground.   It will be nice for your child to be familiar with where they classroom is!  We will definitely be following the first grade schedule just like if we were in the first grade hall!

There are so many changes this year, and I will do my best to keep you informed at school and at home.  I am a huge believer in communication, so will always do my best to respond back to you as soon as possible!  

This blog is not used to communicate back and forth, but to share what's happening in our classroom while in the school setting.  I love adding pictures for you to download to keep!  

I'm going to thank you ahead of time for all of your support, patience, and communication!  Working together this year will make it a wonderful year in first grade!