Monday, October 26, 2020

The Week of Nov. 5-9.

 Snow on Oct. 26!  Yikes!  I sure hope it doesn't mean we are in for a snowy winter!!

I am looking forward to visiting with all of you at conferences Wednesday and Thursday!  Please make sure to be on time on the Zoom as I have a lot to go over with you!  I will be sending home your child's conference folder tomorrow so you can look it over before the conference.  Please try to keep all of the papers in the order they are in.  I will have the same order in my stack.  :)

Spelling!  A new list is coming home today with 6 sight words and 6 short i words.  We will be working on short i pattern words the next two weeks.  The test will be on Thursday, Nov. 5 instead of Friday due to a Professional Development/workday for grade cards on the 6th.  The class did fabulous on the first test!  Thank you for practicing so hard at home too!

Math--The first math test over addition came home last week.  I feel like the class had a good understanding of the concept.  We have begun subtraction.  It is a little harder than addition to memorize.  In first grade, our goal is to make sure they understand the concept and can use manipulatives to solve the problem.  It's very helpful to learn the addition facts by memory to help learn the subtraction facts.  You can make your own flashcards at home or buy some fairly cheap at Walmart.  We have only focused on facts to 10 but will go to 20 later.

New Sight words:  he, on (Please keep working on the first 25 at home if your child hasn't passed them!  The list will be in their conference folder coming home)

We are having fun doing some pumpkin/Halloween activities this week!  Today we did "Roll a Jack-o-lantern" where the kids rolled a dice to find out what their face pieces were to put on their JOL.  They ended up with some silly faces!  I will hang them up in the hall to enjoy for a while.

Halloween Parade--Hopefully we will still get to parade outside!  Your child can wear their costume to school!  Please dress warm under it.  We will probably be wearing coats for the parade since we are walking all the way around the building. Our class will be with the first grade classes.  The parade will begin at 9:05 in the school.  The order will be 4th, 3rd, KDG, 5th, 1st, 2nd coming out of the south doors to the back parking lot.  If the weather doesn't cooperate, we will not parade outside and no parents can come in.  Sorry.  We will have fun celebrating in our classroom!  

  • Keep costumes school appropriate

  • Save the face paint, weapons, and hair coloring for trick-or-treating.

  • For safety, children must be able to clearly see through a mask.

We would love for families to join us during the parade! Since we have limited parking we highly encourage those that can, to walk to the school or carpool with other families. Also, please be mindful of the morning car loop. The back parking lot will be unavailable for parking until the car loop has ended, approximately 8:45 am. The front bus loop will also be blocked off entirely as we will parade through the loop.

Dismissal is at 12:10.  

Snack:  Please make sure your child's snack is prepackaged from the store.  We are not supposed to bring snacks in our own baggies from home. Sorry.  

Masks:  Your child needs to bring a clean mask or two from home each day.  

Coming Up!

Nov. 6:   No School!  PD/workday

Nov. 9.   2nd quarter begins

Nov. 19.  Picture Retakes

Nov. 25-27. Thanksgiving Break

Monday, October 19, 2020

The week of Oct. 19.

 Time is flying by!  It is so nice to have the whole class back in the swing of things here!  

Conferences are just around the corner too!  Just a few things about conferences next week.

We will be on Zoom for conferences.  It will be my same Zoom ID and passcode.  Look for your appointment day and time confirmation coming home this week!  I will be sending home testing sheets that we will be going over together on the Zoom.  Please have those in front of you for your meeting.  If you have any questions about them, we will discuss them then.

I look forward to meeting with you to talk about your child's progress so far this year!

This week we are are switching from Community Helpers to Economics.  We are integrating our English Language Arts and Social Studies together.  We will be reading both fiction and nonfiction books and talking about the different types of texts.  

Today we had fun learning about your child's job that they may want to do when they grow up as they shared tools that their Community Helper may use.  The class guessed what they were after he/she shared 3 things.  Most jobs were guessed but a few stumped us!  :) Enjoy the pictures below.

Sight words this week:  is, was

Spelling-- Spelling City on my blog only has first quarter sight words.  I am not adding the word family words from the list as those can be sounded out.  The sight words are the ones that are hard to spell since you can't sound them out, so those are the ones on Spelling City. 

Spelling Test-  The spelling test is this Friday.  Please review daily.  If your child is having difficulties, please let me know.  

Math--We are finishing up Chapter 1 on Addition this week, so we will have a test on Wednesday.  Chapter 2 will be over subtraction.  I sent home review sheets today. Your child may draw circles to solve the addition problems or use their counters from their home math toolkit to solve.  Please have them finish it and return by Wednesday.  This will also help you know how they are doing.

Halloween-Please see the CCE Smore about costumes and the parade.

Scholastic book order--I will be sending home a book order this week.  My class code is on my blog to order online.  Click on it and you can order from there.  I really only want online orders instead of checks.  We are able to get points from the online orders.  Thank you for helping our classroom get new books for our library!

Masks--Please make sure to wash masks daily unless you have multiple masks for your child.  We need to always have clean ones each day!  Thank you!

The Artist

The Teacher
The Vet

The Doctor

The Doctor

The Teacher

The Navy Man

The Scientist

The Doctor

The Chef

The Farmer

The Paleontologist

The Teacher
The Geologist

The Doctor

More to come!