Monday, October 31, 2022

THe week of Oct. 31-Nov. 4

 Happy Halloween!

I saw many of you at the parade this morning!  We have had a fun day with Halloween activities throughout the day!

We made a all wreath with stickers for our craft, played Halloween Bingo with marshmallows, and met with our 4th grade buddies and made a skeleton craft!  It was a great day!

It's going to be great weather for trick-or-treating! Have a fun evening!

Waiting for the parade to begin!
I hope you all received the end of the quarter skills packet I sent home, along with seeing your child's grade card on Skyward!  If you need help viewing it, let me or the office know.

This week in Phonics we are reviewing blends and having fun with nouns and rhyming!  

Science:  We are beginning our moon unit! It will last 3 weeks and we will learn about the phases of the moon by charting them each day on our calendar, along with reading books about the moon, and finding out the first astronauts who traveled to the moon.  

Math this week:  Chapter 3 
Adding with Doubles!  This is a great skill to practice at home to really make adding easier!  If your child knows their doubles by heart--1 + 1, 2 + 2, etc. up to 10 + 10, it will really help them with adding doubles plus one and doubles minus 1. 
5 + 4 will be easy if you know 4 + 4
5  + 6 will be easier if you know 5 + 5

Coming up! Busy Month!
Fri. Nov. 4.      Picture retakes
Mon. Nov. 7.    Skate City 6-8 pm
Tues.  Nov 8.    Book Fair begins
Wed. Nov. 9     Late Start @ 10:30
Fri. Nov. 11.     Book Fair Grand Event. 4-7pm
Sat. Nov. 19.     Winter Wonderland 9-12 pm
Tues. Nov. 22    Chipotle food night
Nov. 23-25.        Thanksgiving vacation

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The week of Oct. 24-28

I hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend with your family!  I read about some fun things in your child's journal today!

We are enjoying Halloween books and activities this week!  We read "Spookley the Square Pumpkin" and made our own Spookley.  Other fun Halloween books we are reading are "Big Pumpkin" and then making a witch our of our hand prints.  "Room on the Broom", then retelling the story by adding the characters in order on a broom and writing about what we would take on a broom with us. 

Friday the Firefighters are coming to visit about their important job!  It got rescheduled from earlier in the week.  


r blends:  br, cr, dr, fr, gr, 

The class does a great job thinking of words beginning with blends and spelling them.

Decodable books:  Please have your child read these 2-3 times until they are reading fluently without needing help!  Then, make sure to save them in a safe place (folder?) to pull out and reread to practice.

sight words:  said, when, there, where

These are "heart" words meaning we have to memorize them by heart as they are not easy to sound out.  

Said -the /s/ and /d/ can be sounded out, but we have to memorize the /ai/ since it sounds like a short e.

when-This one we can sound out.

there- we know /th/, but have to memorize /ere/.

where-we know /wh/ but have to memorize /ere/.


We began chapter 3 on Addition to strategies to 20.

This kids did well on their chapter 2 math tests.  I will send them home on Friday with their Grade card skills report.


These will be found on Skyward on Friday, Oct. 28.  I will send home a packet Friday with the 1st quarter skills, along with an explanation of the grade card.  Any highlighted areas are skills your child needs to work on.  I also made notes and comments at the end to help you understand where your child is at.  If you have any questions, please let me know!

Halloween--The parade begins at 9:05.  We will follow the 5th grade!  Please have your child wear their costume to school!  If it is not over their clothes, please send some clothes as he/she may not want to wear it all day.  

We will be doing fun Halloween activities throughout the day!  Our 4th grade buddies will join us for an activity too!

Coming up!

Oct. 28      Grades Posted

Oct. 29.     Trunk or Treat at CCE

Oct. 31       Halloween parade-Your child may wear their costume to school.  It's really helpful if the costume slips on over their clothing and can be taken off easily.  See the outdoor parade route in the Parent Smore!

Monday, October 17, 2022

The week of October 17-20

 Fall is here!  It was very chilly outside today!  Please make sure to check the weather before dropping off, as we go out at noon and 3:10 every day. Tomorrow a winter coat will be needed as it will be cold again.  Each day gets warmer!  

Reminder!  We do not have school this Friday or Monday due to inservice/workdays to work on grade cards.  

We finished up out Economics unit Friday and had fun working with a partner making our own business!  You may have seen the sheets that had their business name, products being sold, and a sheet with services offered at their business.  See the pictures below!  They had fun working with a friend on their project!

We are moving on from Social Studies to Science the next few units!


This week we are beginning with studying light! The kids will love reading in our science books about natural and artificial light, along with transparent, translucent, and opaque light.  At the end of our unit this week, we will do an experiment finding out which objects can be seen with transparent (through lamination paper), translucent, (through foil) and opaque (through wax) paper.


Our Phonics skill this week is on s-blends--sm, sl, sp, sk, sc, st, sn.

Blends at the beginning of a word is sometimes difficult to read and hear the sound to write when we are first learning.  This would be a great skill to have your child practice reading at home when the phonics sheets come home.  

New high frequency words--call, from, which, very


Subtraction related facts also known as fact families.  Today we learned how to make fact families.

2 + 8 = 10

8 + 2 = 10

10 - 8 = 2

10 - 2 = 8

Please have your child do the related facts homework today if it's in their folder and return tomorrow.  Some have did it on their own at the end of math time, so it's already in my mailbox.

Chapter 2 math test on subtraction will be Thursday!

Coming up!

Oct. 21.    1/2 PD and 1/2 workday--No School

Oct. 24.    Inservice All Day--No School

Oct. 28      Grades Posted

Oct. 29.     Trunk or Treat at CCE

Oct. 31       Halloween parade-Your child may wear their costume to school.  It's really helpful if the costume slips on over their clothing and can be taken off easily.  See the outdoor parade route in the Parent Smore!

Making our Business-buddies!

Monday, October 3, 2022

The week of Oct. 3.

It was great meeting with all of you for conferences!  We are only 4 weeks in but I see so many gains in following directions, learning expectations, and progress in the academics too!  Thank you for all you are working on at home too!  We will see huge growths this year!

 I hope you enjoyed the wonderful weather over the weekend!  

Social Studies/ELA--

We completed our Community Helpers Unit and are now switching gears to Economics.  In first grade Economics this week we will learn about Needs and Wants, Goods and Services, and Consumer/Producer.

Phonics --

Short e-- 

et--set, let, get

ed--bed, red, led

en--men, pen, Ben

sight words--give, come, some, for

Decodable book--Birds and Their Nests

Please have your child read the decodable book with you 2 times if they are reading it well.  Keep it in a safe place to pull out and read again to build your child's fluency.  


We continue with subtraction.  I will teach different strategies to subtract using number lines, manipulatives, pancake-fist (Your child can show you how we do this!)

I love how many children are doing the homework!  It reinforces what we do in class and you can see if they are understanding the concept!  Thank you for encouraging them!

4th grade buddies!

Your child may have mentioned that our 4th grade buddies from Mrs. Gehrt's class came to our room Wed. for the first time!  We had fun doing an interest inventory with our buddy to learn more about them and for them to learn about us!  We will meet with our buddies once a month if possible to enjoy time with our new friends!

Coming up!

Oct. 12.   CCE at Fritz'--Look for times when teachers will be there coming soon!

Oct. 21.    1/2 PD and 1/2 workday--No School

Oct. 24.    Inservice All Day--No School

Oct. 28      Grades Posted

Oct. 29.     Trunk or Treat at CCE

Oct. 31       Halloween parade-Your child may wear their costume to school.  It's really helpful if the costume slips on over their clothing and can be taken off easily.

Community Helper projects 

Author Willa
Teacher Quinn
Teacher Layla
Veterinarian Bryn
Coach Alex
Singer Sebastian
Trash Collector
Doctor Ellie
Police Officer Edison
Construction Worker Silas
Tire Tech Riley
Paleontologist Hudson

Government Worker Gabby

Detective Eli
Daycare Provider Annie
Teacher Kenley
Military Worker Elias

Firefighter Barrett
Firefighter Barrett and team
We made our own class community with boxes to end our unit!
It was so fun!

Lap-a-thon was a huge success!  Here are some pictures from it!

Popsicle Time