Monday, March 20, 2017

The week of March 21-24.

We finally got to enjoy spring break weather!  I had a relaxing break staying home with my kids.  Hopefully you got to enjoy some time with your kids over break!  This quarter will fly by even quicker than the last three, so enjoy every minute of your child's 4th quarter in Kindergarten!  Many fun things will be happening in our class.

This week we will be studying different types of weather.  Each day we will check the temperature and learn how to mark it on a paper thermometer.  We will also be writing what it is like each day in a weather book and notice daily changes.  This crazy spring weather will be fun to track!  :)

We have a new science curriculum this year, so it is nice to have a big book to read about the weather and talk about the beautiful pictures in it!

The sight words this week are:  come, time
Letter of the week:  Jj
spelling words:  that, was, for, on, are    Bonus word:  yellow

Verbs!  We learned what a noun is a few weeks back.  This week we are going to have fun with verbs!
Like the nouns, we will come up with descriptive sentences with action verbs and then make a paragraph with the sentences using sequence words such as; first, next, then, finally.

Open House--On April 28, I will have a Kindergarten Open House at 11:00.  We will show our farm projects, and sing songs for you!  Please put this on your calendar!  Just like class parties, parents only please.  It will be great for you to share this special Kindergarten moment with your child.  

Book it!  This is our last month for the Book-it program.  It would be awesome to have 100% turn in their calendar.  Reading with your child at home everyday is so beneficial in your child's love of reading!  They should be able to help you read easy books by sounding out 3-4 letter words and reading the sight words they know!  Thank you for making reading a fun time with your child!  

Math this week! 
Topic 12-Measurement--We will be measuring by length, height, weight, and capacity.  We will use different types of measurement such as linking cubes and yarn to measure length and height.  In Kindergarten, we use the balance scale to measure weight.  I will use measuring cups and other larger containers to measure capacity.  It's a fun topic!

Coming up!
Thurs. Mar. 30  Farm Day Planning Meeting at 4:15 
Wed. April 5       Class pictures and spring individual pictures
Fri. April 14       No school--Good Friday
Mon. April 17     inservice day--no school
Fri. April 28       Mrs. Scott's Open House--11:00

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