Monday, February 25, 2019

The week of Feb. 25-Mar. 1.

Hopefully we will have a 5 day school week!  We are all so ready for spring!!

Last week we had fun making silly sentences with adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs about a dog.  Today we wrote about our favorite animal in our journal.  Most of the class was able to write 3 sentences about the animal!!  First they told what animal they liked.  Then, they wrote what they liked about that animal, and last what color it is.  I was so proud of them!

This week in reading.
We are reading short stories about weather.  The first one we read today was an informational text about vacations and one place to go was to an ice hotel!  Ask your child what they learned about ice hotels!  The next story will be a fiction story about a blizzard.  We will compare and contrast the two stories.  At the end of the week we will read the fable, "City Mouse and Country Mouse".

I will be benchmarking this week and next week to have it done by grade card time, so your child may not bring home a little reader.

Letter of the week:  Kk
Sight words:  it, there (we talked about how the word "here" and "the" are inside of there.

Spelling test this Friday, Mar. 1.  Please study with your child.  Make sure they can write them without any capitals.
Spelling words this week:  I, can, do, not, if  
Bonus word:  red

I mentioned about Spelling City at conferences.  It is on the right side of my blog.  It would be a great way for your child to have fun spelling the sight words.  The first two quarter sight words are on the game.

Math this week:
We started Topic 8 on subtraction.  This kids seem to understand the concept of take away.  You can practice this at home with anything!  Throw it into anything the kids are doing at home.  
We are crossing out the objects we are taking away on their assignment sheets.  One child asked why we don't erase the circles we draw when taking away.  I told him that if you erase, you may forget that you've taken away and take away again.

Today we also started writing to 100 on a blank sheet of paper.  I am amazed at how well they are doing on their own once they understand the pattern!

Social Studies:  Today we began a packet over Famous Kansans.  So far we've read about the first two.   We are learning about:  Amelia Earhart, Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ask me what number President he was and how it's the same as our state.), Dorothy Gale, Steve Hawley, James Naismith, Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Handwriting:  lowercase "p".

Coming Up:
Mar. 8     End of 3rd Quarter!
Mar. 9-18  Spring Break!
Mar. 19    4th quarter begins
Mar. 26    KDG roundup for those entering KDG next fall.
Mar. 28    Farm Day meeting at 4:15
Apr. 22    Inservice--No School
Apr. 26    KDG Open House at 2:30  --Please plan on being here if possible!  We will sing songs, view our projects, and meet our chicks that we are incubating in April.

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