Monday, March 25, 2019

The week of Mar. 25-29!

This is a very busy week!!  Kindergarten round-up for incoming KDG is tomorrow night (Tuesday at 6:00).  It is for parents only if possible! Please let any parents know that you are aware of their child being 5 before Sept. 1!  Thank you!  Hopefully you can still make it to Fritz for the CCE night!  There will be many teachers there to visit with, just not us KDG teachers.  :(

We also have our Farm Day meeting this Thursday at 4:15 in the Maker Space or North Activity Center.  It's where we had Apple Day if you were here then.  These are the helpers that signed up to help out for Farm Day on May 3.  Amy Maymugh, Missi Cavanaugh, Becky Schieber, Linsay Pecaro, Melissa Mendez, Jessica Robinson, Justin Koppa. If anyone else is interested please let me know!  All are welcome!  Please come to the meeting if possible.  If you can't, just let me know and I'll make sure your name is on the list to help out.

Grade cards!  I hope you were all able to look at your child's grade card on Skyward over the weekend!  If you have any problems, please let me know.  It's very important to show it to your child too, so they understand what it is and the importance of it.  If you didn't see the packet of info. about your child's skills, please let me know.  I noticed one child left theirs in their  drawer over the weekend.

Spelling City!  If your child hasn't had a chance to get on Spelling City to practice the spelling words we've done so far, please show them how to get on soon!  I am adding 3rd quarter words-weeks 4-8 on it today!  It is a fun way to practice the words!

Spelling this week!  
he, on, in, and, you
Bonus word:  green
Challenge words:  farm, rainbow
 I was excited that some of the kids that didn't take challenge words before, wanted to try it this week!  They wanted to learn how to spell rainbow!  If your child is struggling with the challenge and is getting frustrated, just let me know and they don't have to do them.  But, give them until Thursday to keep trying!

Reading this week!
Technology!  We are reading stories about technology.  Today the class got to illustrate what they would want their future car to be like!  It was fun to see what special things their cars could do!

Sight words:  to, which
Our last letters of the week!  Xx, Zz  (We will be revisiting long vowels next week and consonant digraphs (ch, sh, wh, th, ph)

Social Studies:  Farm Unit
This week we are learning about cows!  We will read a nonfiction and fiction book.  Then, we will write details we learned about the nonfiction book.  The class will choose a detail and draw a picture about it!

Guess what's coming next week!  Chick eggs!  The class is so excited to have chicks!  Of course the question of "Who gets to take them home?" has already been asked.  I told them they each get to take one!  (Just kidding!)  We will only have 7 eggs, and they will go back to the farm they came from.  Whew!  

Math:  Topic 9  More addition!  
We are learning about fact families of the numbers 4-10.  We are also learning different ways to figure out the answers by using doubles plus one, doubles plus two and any way that we each think of to help us learn them!  Wednesday your child will get to say their facts to 5 to see if they can pass that goal!

Coming up!
Mar. 26    KDG roundup for those entering KDG next fall.  6:00
Mar. 28    Farm Day meeting at 4:15
Apr. 22    Inservice--No School
Apr. 26    KDG Open House at 2:30  --Please plan on being here if possible!  We will sing songs, view our projects, and meet our chicks that we are incubating in April.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The week of Mar. 19-22.

I hope your kids enjoyed their break last week!  I love how they are coming back from a break now.  They remember our class expectations and are able to flow right back into learning!  This is my favorite time of the year!  We have covered so much and they are able to do so much more!

Only one more quarter before your child is a First Grader!  Grade cards will be sent through Skyward on Friday.  I will also send out information about your child's learning and 4th quarter skills on Friday.

Thank you for all of your donations for our "Chef Experience" basket!  The Fish Bowl Auction is just around the corner on April 6!  Besides the baskets your family can win, the Kindergarten teachers will also have separate fish bowls for the children to put their name in.  The two winners from my class will win a breakfast meal to eat with me!   I will let you know when it will be and ask for the winners' favorite McDonald's breakfast!  We will meet at 8:00 am to eat together with the other classroom winners and teachers.

End of the Year Goals for Mrs. Scott's class!
1. Read 50 sight words
2. Count to 100
3. Addition to 5
4. Subtraction from 5
5. Tie shoes

These 5 goals are what our class is shooting to achieve by the end of the year!  All have passed the addition and subtraction with manipulatives, but it will be really beneficial going in to first grade,  if your child can say them without manipulatives.  

There are several poems/songs on the internet to help your child learn to tie their shoes.  Find one that fits for your child if need be.  I know there are several kids without laces in their shoes, but we talked about using mom or dad's shoes to learn.  I will be having my parent helpers give them a hand too!  I just feel its a kindergarten skill your child should learn, but I need your help teaching them!  

Our KDG Open House  is Friday, April 26 at 2:30.  I hope you have made sure to take off work at that date/time.  You will not want to miss it!  We will have many farm projects, a mini concert, and baby chicks to see!  (I hope some hatch anyway!)  If for some reason at least one parent can't be here, grandparents or aunts/uncles are welcome.  I just want every child to have a family member here to support your child!

Reading this week!  
We are consolidating our reading/science together with our weather unit.  Each day we will read a fiction or nonfiction book, fill out our own weather book to compare the temperature, what it's like out, and what we should wear.  We are also learning how to read a thermometer and filling our the afternoon temperature for 5 days.

Spelling this week!
The week 3 spelling words are: she, a, at, is, was  Bonus: yellow  
Challenge words:  spring, winter
Your child brought home a spelling list before the break.  If your child needed more of a challenge, I gave them a list with the challenge words.  The test will be Friday!

Math this week!
We began Topic 9 on More Addition and Subtraction (but mainly more addition).  We are learning about Fact families of the numbers 4-10.

Handwriting--f, q, x

Coming up!
Mar. 19    4th quarter begins
Mar. 26    KDG roundup for those entering KDG next fall.  6:00
Mar. 28    Farm Day meeting at 4:15
Apr. 22    Inservice--No School
Apr. 26    KDG Open House at 2:30  --Please plan on being here if possible!  We will sing songs, view our projects, and meet our chicks that we are incubating in April.

Monday, March 4, 2019

The week of Mar. 4-8.

Whew!  Thank heavens we had school today!  We should find out this week how we are making up the 2 days.  The school board meets tonight to discuss it. 

Fish Bowl Auction donations!  Please consider donating for our wonderful fundraiser!  So far, I only have 4 that have made a donation.  We would like it no later than Friday, so the ladies can have plenty of time to purchase items for our basket!  Plus we have to buy a basket to put the items in!  Thank you for your help!

Book-it calendars are due by Wed. Mar. 6 please!  Help your child earn a free book by turning in all 6 calendars!  March is our last month for Book-it!  Remember to sign your name and have your child write their name at the bottom.  :)

Math homework!  I apologize for the vague directions at the bottom of the first page.  I hadn't read them.  Just make up your own problem.  So, it could be 5 birds, 2 go, 3 left.  I hope that helps!
Please make sure all are turned in tomorrow!  

Dr. Seuss' birthday was Saturday.  Today we read The Cat in the Hat and made a hat like the cat's and added words that rhyme with cat.  The kids liked being the Cat in the Hat!  We will be doing more Dr. Seuss activities this week and reading as many of his books we can fit in!
See the picture below!

Reading this week!  
We are going to be tying in our reading and science together the next couple of weeks.  The unit is on weather.  Our book is called, The Weather and the Seasons.  We will be talking about how we are affected by the weather each season: what types of weather we have in each season and how we should dress.

We will be observing the weather each day after spring break by measuring the temperature and filling it in on a thermometer, and filling out a daily weather book with the temperature, what the weather is like, and what we should be wearing for that temperature.

I will not be sending home little readers this week either.  I'll be bench marking students all week.
Continue to have your child read the little paper books that come home weekly!  The more they read the better reader they become!

Letter of the week:  Yy (we act like we are yawning with our arm action)
There are 4 letters left--Vv, Qq, Xx, Zz, then we will learn more about the long vowels and dipthongs (th, sh, wh, ch)  
sight words:  word, when

Spelling week 2!  Our words this week are:  as, the, we, by, be and bonus word: blue.

Handwriting:  h, b (tall letters beginning in the sky) The b and d are written differently.  The b starts in the sky and the d starts like a c.  If they are written correctly, reversals should not happen.

Math this week!  This week we are continuing with subtraction and will take the test on Friday.  The class seems to understand the concept of taking away.
Try to use adding and subtracting in your child's everyday skills when you can!

Coming up!
Mar. 8     End of 3rd Quarter!
Mar. 9-18  Spring Break!
Mar. 19    4th quarter begins
Mar. 26    KDG roundup for those entering KDG next fall.
Mar. 28    Farm Day meeting at 4:15
Apr. 22    Inservice--No School
Apr. 26    KDG Open House at 2:30  --Please plan on being here if possible!  We will sing songs, view our projects, and meet our chicks that we are incubating in April.

Cat in the Hats