Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The week of Mar. 19-22.

I hope your kids enjoyed their break last week!  I love how they are coming back from a break now.  They remember our class expectations and are able to flow right back into learning!  This is my favorite time of the year!  We have covered so much and they are able to do so much more!

Only one more quarter before your child is a First Grader!  Grade cards will be sent through Skyward on Friday.  I will also send out information about your child's learning and 4th quarter skills on Friday.

Thank you for all of your donations for our "Chef Experience" basket!  The Fish Bowl Auction is just around the corner on April 6!  Besides the baskets your family can win, the Kindergarten teachers will also have separate fish bowls for the children to put their name in.  The two winners from my class will win a breakfast meal to eat with me!   I will let you know when it will be and ask for the winners' favorite McDonald's breakfast!  We will meet at 8:00 am to eat together with the other classroom winners and teachers.

End of the Year Goals for Mrs. Scott's class!
1. Read 50 sight words
2. Count to 100
3. Addition to 5
4. Subtraction from 5
5. Tie shoes

These 5 goals are what our class is shooting to achieve by the end of the year!  All have passed the addition and subtraction with manipulatives, but it will be really beneficial going in to first grade,  if your child can say them without manipulatives.  

There are several poems/songs on the internet to help your child learn to tie their shoes.  Find one that fits for your child if need be.  I know there are several kids without laces in their shoes, but we talked about using mom or dad's shoes to learn.  I will be having my parent helpers give them a hand too!  I just feel its a kindergarten skill your child should learn, but I need your help teaching them!  

Our KDG Open House  is Friday, April 26 at 2:30.  I hope you have made sure to take off work at that date/time.  You will not want to miss it!  We will have many farm projects, a mini concert, and baby chicks to see!  (I hope some hatch anyway!)  If for some reason at least one parent can't be here, grandparents or aunts/uncles are welcome.  I just want every child to have a family member here to support your child!

Reading this week!  
We are consolidating our reading/science together with our weather unit.  Each day we will read a fiction or nonfiction book, fill out our own weather book to compare the temperature, what it's like out, and what we should wear.  We are also learning how to read a thermometer and filling our the afternoon temperature for 5 days.

Spelling this week!
The week 3 spelling words are: she, a, at, is, was  Bonus: yellow  
Challenge words:  spring, winter
Your child brought home a spelling list before the break.  If your child needed more of a challenge, I gave them a list with the challenge words.  The test will be Friday!

Math this week!
We began Topic 9 on More Addition and Subtraction (but mainly more addition).  We are learning about Fact families of the numbers 4-10.

Handwriting--f, q, x

Coming up!
Mar. 19    4th quarter begins
Mar. 26    KDG roundup for those entering KDG next fall.  6:00
Mar. 28    Farm Day meeting at 4:15
Apr. 22    Inservice--No School
Apr. 26    KDG Open House at 2:30  --Please plan on being here if possible!  We will sing songs, view our projects, and meet our chicks that we are incubating in April.

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