Monday, May 13, 2019

The week of May 13-17.

I hope all of you Mother's had a wonderful Mother's Day with your children! 

Today was a big day for our class!  We let our Painted Lady Butterflies free!  One of the butterflies never hatched, so 5 flew away!  Check out the butterfly journal we wrote in about the life cycle of our butterflies in their folders.

We also made a butterfly life cycle booklet for your child to read to you!

This week we are going to learn about parts of a plant and how it grows.  We put a lima bean seed in a wet paper towel in a baggie and we will check it every few days to see what's happening!  It's fun to watch it grow too!  We are doing science galore in kindergarten!

Sight words:  their, were, school, first (The last two are great words to learn going in to first grade!)

Letter of the week:  long e  ---  e_e, ee, ea, ie, y

Math this week:  Sorting, Classifying, Counting, and Categorizing Data
Today we sorted buttons by: color, shape, size, and type (holes/not holes)
We will be doing picture graphing and graphing how many teeth have been lost each month!

Field Day Friday!  9:00-11:30
Please remember to have your child wear yellow!  
~I have small water bottles ready for your child with their names on them.  We can refill outside if needed.  
~Please refer to the email I sent you with the Field day schedule and map.  
~Remember to send a sack lunch with your child if they did not choose to take the cafeteria bag lunch.  No hot lunch will be served Friday.
~Wear tennis shoes!!
~Friday looks pretty warm, so shorts and tshirt would be good!
~Please apply sunscreen at home!  We won't have time to cover everyone before we begin!

Coming up!
May 17   Field Day
May 24   Last day of school--dismissal is at 12:05!

Monday, May 6, 2019

The week of May 6-10.

Farm Day was a great success!  We had a wonderful day (without rain) and wonderful parent help!  Thank you for your assistance to make it perfect if you were able to come!  See some pics. below.  I have so many, I had to choose!  The rest will be on our End-of-the-Year video that all will get.

In case I haven't mentioned this yet, you should be able to go back through the year on my blog and save any pictures to your computer.  Each blog is still in the archives.

This week we are  learning about Forces and Interactions: Pushes and Pulls.  We will have fun with this by using hot wheels!  Shh!  The class doesn't know it yet!

Sight words:  use, each (These are our spelling words too!)
Letter of the week--Long u  (u_e, ue, oo, ew)  We'll come up with words to sort in each long u spelling.

Spelling words:
this--th (thumb up sign) and is
use-- us with an e to make it a long u.
each-- ea (when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.) ch (chopping sign)
their-- the and ir  (hard one)
were-- we and er

Math this week!
We are about finished with height, weight, and capacity.  You can help your child understand what is used to measure these attributes by talking about how things would be measured at home.  We haven't used rulers, just linking cubes to measure length.  We've used a balance scale to compare weight and a measure cup to talk about capacity.

Butterflies--One butterfly's chrysalis is turning black, which means it is close to hatching!  We have been writing in our butterfly journal about their progress.  

Coming up!
May 17  Field Day
May 24  Last day of school will be a half day.