Monday, May 13, 2019

The week of May 13-17.

I hope all of you Mother's had a wonderful Mother's Day with your children! 

Today was a big day for our class!  We let our Painted Lady Butterflies free!  One of the butterflies never hatched, so 5 flew away!  Check out the butterfly journal we wrote in about the life cycle of our butterflies in their folders.

We also made a butterfly life cycle booklet for your child to read to you!

This week we are going to learn about parts of a plant and how it grows.  We put a lima bean seed in a wet paper towel in a baggie and we will check it every few days to see what's happening!  It's fun to watch it grow too!  We are doing science galore in kindergarten!

Sight words:  their, were, school, first (The last two are great words to learn going in to first grade!)

Letter of the week:  long e  ---  e_e, ee, ea, ie, y

Math this week:  Sorting, Classifying, Counting, and Categorizing Data
Today we sorted buttons by: color, shape, size, and type (holes/not holes)
We will be doing picture graphing and graphing how many teeth have been lost each month!

Field Day Friday!  9:00-11:30
Please remember to have your child wear yellow!  
~I have small water bottles ready for your child with their names on them.  We can refill outside if needed.  
~Please refer to the email I sent you with the Field day schedule and map.  
~Remember to send a sack lunch with your child if they did not choose to take the cafeteria bag lunch.  No hot lunch will be served Friday.
~Wear tennis shoes!!
~Friday looks pretty warm, so shorts and tshirt would be good!
~Please apply sunscreen at home!  We won't have time to cover everyone before we begin!

Coming up!
May 17   Field Day
May 24   Last day of school--dismissal is at 12:05!

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