Monday, March 9, 2020

The week of March 9-13.

I can sure tell the weather has changed!  It has been a crazy day with crazy behaviors!  I'm hoping each day gets better as the week goes on.

We are going to be talking more about the weather and writing in a weather book each day.  We will check the temperature and fill in a paper thermometer to understand how a thermometer works!

Today we talked about how we can measure how much snow or rain we get.  I know we depend on the weatherman to tell us how much snow we got. We talked about how we can use a ruler to measure the snow and a rain gauge to measure the rain.  Do you have a rain gauge at home for your child to check how much rain we got?   That would be fun for them to check!

Reading this week!  We are reading science books on weather and climate.
sight words:  your, they (4th quarter sight words)
Letters of the week:  Vv, Qq   (never a q without a u)
I am finishing up benchmarking this week, so no reading groups this week.  Please read at home with your child!  We'll begin again after spring break!

I am so proud of how hard your child has worked on their sight words!  Thank you for continuing to practice at home!  Now on the 4th quarter!

Spelling lists and tests!  The first spelling list will come home this Friday!  Please work on the "an" word family words with your child.  The test will be on March 27!

Math this week!
Topic 8 test tomorrow!  Please work on the addition math facts to 5 at home!  I will be sending the subtraction math facts home this week for you to cut up and put on the ring also!

Topic 9 will be on More addition and subtraction.  We will be making fact families!
2 + 3 = 5 
3 + 2 = 5
5 - 3 = 2 
5 -2 = 3

Coming up!
Mar. 10                     KDG round-up for incoming KDG @ 6:00 in the gym
Mar. 16-23               spring break
Mar. 23                     End of 3rd quarter
Mar. 26                      Fritz' night
Mar. 27                      Grades posted for 3rd quarter
Mar. 27                       First spelling test!
April 24                    Kindergarten Open House!  It will begin at 2:30. It will end around 3:00-                                      3:15.
Imagination Station Time

Subtraction Fish Activity

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