Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Sept. 14-18

 We had a great start last week!  I know it's quite crazy, but you all are doing great keeping up with the craze!  It definitely takes time to get on a system with the Hybrid setup, but we'll get there!  I appreciate any questions you are asking, as I'm sure others are having the same questions!

Specials Teachers are only teaching in person on Zoom on C Days.  They have the A/B kids in person when your A/B child is not in school, so they aren't able to teach on Zoom on A/B days.  I believe you should be able to go to their Schoolwork tab now and find what they have assigned for the specials we have each week.  We had library and counselor this week.  Ms. Hartigan our counselor added a video.  Ms. Arter is having difficulties with her Schoolwork or iPad, so hasn't been able to upload anything yet.  

I went over how to get on the Zoom and activities on Schoolwork the last two days.  It will get easier as we keep using it.  I showed the kids to look for the dates to help them find things.  I will make sure to add dates for all links and activities to help you know when they are to be done.

C Days-- Tomorrow I will be beginning small groups with your children.  I meant to send the lesson plans for this week by paper but I forgot so, you can find it in an email I sent last Friday.  Your child will just hop on my Zoom at their time. Here are the group times:

10:00-10:30:  Kinsley, Viviana, Hadley, Dylan, Maika, Will, Wyatt

10:45-11:15: Ke'Vontae, Aiden, Annelise, Madeleine, John, Freddie

11:25-12:00. Lunch

12:00-12:30.   Hunter, Coltt, Blake, Olivia, Alison, Jade, Seeley

I will be having the kids write numbers so they will either need a dry erase board or paper.  They will also need to have the linking cubes in their math toolkit with them.  So,  if they go to JCPRD or another daycare, please send those in their backpack on C Days.

Please make sure to help your child get on my Zooms each day they are not in my class.  I do have to count them absent if they are not on.  Sorry.  I especially would like them to get on C days as I will be teaching on those days.  We have to get in any teaching we can with them on C Days.

Thank you for all you are doing at home!  It's a lot for all of you with your own jobs and families!  I appreciate you!

Reminder!  The Zoom meeting will hopefully answer any questions you may be having about Zoom or Schoolwork or Ipads in general.  I put the Zoom address in the email.  The meetings are at 6 pm either tonight or tomorrow night.

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