Monday, April 25, 2022

The week of April 25-29

 I hope everyone had a great weekend!

The kids were so excited to come in and see how their grass has grown!  We also looked at our lima bean seeds to see the root growth and leaf growing inside the seed.  Unfortunately, not all beans are growing, and some of them have gotten moldy from too much moisture.  We are learning how this happens when we plant seeds in our gardens or yards too. 

We will finish our plant unit this week and begin our animal unit next week!

I am so excited to share with you about the field trip from Ernie Miller coming to our first grade classrooms tomorrow!  They are going to bring in 3 animals--an owl, a ferret, and a toad!  

Here is what the program will be about!

The program includes a Story about the Wide Mouth Frog, which talks about what animal eat.  The program also includes looking at animal skulls and different types of teeth.  The children also help construct 3 different food chains in different habitats and see an animal from each habitat. 

I will take lots of pictures to share with you!  It's perfect timing leading in to our animal unit coming up!

ELA this week is on "ar", which we call the bossy r because the r bosses the vowel around and changes it's sound.  We have been talking about "ar" all year long, so the kids are very familiar with its sound when I point to our arm as the action of the sound.

Our high-frequency words are:

work, again, eight, two

We will be working on reading and spelling number words to twenty in class, if you could help with this at home also.  

Syllables:  We work on syllables verbally throughout the year, but will be learning more about splitting the syllables of words when writing them in sentences.  

Math--We are finishing up our chapter on 2D shapes.  This week we are moving on to equal parts/halves of shapes.  Our math test will be on Friday.

High Frequency sight words!  Thank you so much for all of your support at home on sight words.  The kids are taking off on their reading because of your help!  Only 4 weeks left to get through as many lists as possible!

Coming up!

April 26.    Ernie Miller coming to 1st Grade!

April 29.    Boots and Bling and BOGO!

May 13      Field Day

May 18.     Papa Murphy's Food Night

May 24.    Last day of school--1/2 day

Monday, April 18, 2022

The week of April 19-22

 Our first grade music program is here!  It's on Thursday at 6:30!  Doors open at 6:00! Per Ms. Donovan you will keep your child with you until Ms. Donovan announces them to come with her in the cafeteria.  

Clothing attire:  Your child's costume for the program is jeans or black pants and a plain white shirt (t-shirt or button up is fine). Your child will also wear the same attire on Friday for the school performances.

I look forward to seeing the program also!  Please make sure to wave at your child before the program but not during the program so they are not distracted.

Phonics:  Continue with Long u--u-e (mule), ew (few), oo (spoon), u by itself, (music)

Compound words- butterfly, sunshine, homemade

Reading to work on at home!  Wow! The kids read the nonsense much quicker this week!  Thank you for working on this at home!

*Nonsense words--I'm sending home a word list to have your child practice reading with cvc words.  Read a row at a time until can read it fluently (quickly) like any sight word.  Then go to the next row!

Math--Composite shapes--using pattern blocks to make a different shape

We will be using our creativity using shapes to make pictures!

What to work on at home!  

*Review counting by 10's starting with number:  7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, etc.  

* Use random numbers and ask 2 more, 2 less, 10 more, 10 less

* Have your child start counting forward from 88, 39, 105 and go up 10 numbers

*Have your child count backward 10 numbers beginning at 105, 98, 86

Science- Plants!!  This week we are going to learn about the life cycle of a plant and the job of a seed.  We will learn which vegetables are root vegetables and which ones grow on top of the ground.  The class will make a plate diagram demonstrating both!

Two growth projects!  We planted grass see in a cup to watch it grow! I added your child's picture on the cup, so it will hopefully look like they are growing green hair! 

We also put a lima bean seed in a wet paper towel and then in a baggie.  We will keep a journal drawing pictures of the growth we see from the seed every few days!  It'll be fun to watch the root and stem sprout!

Animal unit coming up!  In two weeks we will begin our animal unit.  We will end our unit by making an animal habitat the week of May 12.  Each child will need a shoebox to make their habitat.  Please hold on to one at home until I let you know when to send them in!  It can be any size, but an adult size shoe box may work best so they have space to create.  Size 10 or above may be a little too big though. :)

We are so excited to bring a field trip to our school for the first graders on April 26!  I will give out more information on this when I have shared it with the class. :)

Book Fair!  Our BOGO shopping day is Friday, April 29 at 1:40-2:40!  Your child may bring money or you can put money on ewallet for your child.  This is so handy so money is not lost!  See the back of the book fair note sent home from Mrs. Arter!

Coming up!

April 21.    First Grade Program @ 6:30 for families

April 22.    First Grade performs for school family

April 26.    Field Trip brought to CCE 1st Grade!

April 29.    Boots and Bling and BOGO!

May 13       Field Day

May 18.     Papa Murphy's Food Night

May 24.    Last day of school--1/2 day

Monday, April 11, 2022

The week of April 11-14

 What a beautiful weekend!  I hope you were able to enjoy it with your family!

We have a four day week this week with Good Friday off and a four day week next week due to Professional Development on Monday for teachers.  

This week in Phonics we are learning about the long u vowel teams and odd spellings.  We've already learned about the u-e (magic or silent e on the end).

U- music, menu, flu

UE- blue, true, clue, fuel

EW- new, flew, chew, knew

OO-  too, boom, soon

ough- through

Sight Words:  could, would, their, together (easy to spell if you remember it has 3 words inside -to get her)

Compound words!  The kids have fun with compound words (two words put together to make one!)

Reading to work on at home!

*Nonsense words--I'm sending home a word list to have your child practice reading with cvc words.  Read a row at a time until can read it fluently (quickly) like any sight word.  Then go to the next row!

Math--Chapter 9--This week we are continuing with 2 D shapes--counting their sides, vertices, and drawing them.  We will also have fun composing other patterns out of 2 D shapes.

What to work on at home!  

*Review counting by 10's starting with number:  7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, etc.  

* Use random numbers and ask 2 more, 2 less, 10 more, 10 less

* Have your child start counting forward from 88, 39, 105 and go up 10 numbers

*Have your child count backward 10 numbers beginning at 105, 98, 86

Science--Plants!  This week we are learning parts of a plant, what they need to grow, types of plants, and we will be planting grass to water and watch it grow!

Our music program is coming up fast!  It's on April 21 at 6:30!  If your child has a speaking part, please make sure he/she has learned it before music class this Wednesday, so they will be ready to say it during their practice!  Thank you for your help! :)

Coming up!

April 15/18  No School

April 21.    First Grade Program @ 6:30 for families

April 22.    First Grade performs for school family

May 18.     Papa Murphy's Food Night

May 24.    Last day of school--1/2 day

Monday, April 4, 2022

 It's April!  Wow!  Time keeps flying by!  I hope you all had a great weekend!

We will have a PJ day tomorrow!  The kids may roll out of bed in time for school after watching the big game tonight! :)

Bedroom map/address--Please have your child turn in theirs in asap!  We are going to enjoy sharing each other's maps!

Phonics--Long i words!  We will continue with the different ways to spell with long i-  (-y, igh, ie, i-e).  

Suffixes - er, est       We learned that -er is added when comparing 2 things and -est is added when comparing 3 or more things.

Social Studies--World Mapping!  This week we will do several activities on mapping with the world such as; learning about the 7 continents, 4 oceans, using our cardinal directions, and what countries are in our continent.

Math--Time to the hour and half hour has been our focus in math.  We have also learned how to count by fives to get to the half hour.  We will review tomorrow and take our test on Wednesday.  I will send home a homework sheet to review at home.  Please have your child return it tomorrow!

Coming up!

April 5.    Chipotle Food Night

April 6.     Delayed start--School begins at 10:30

April 15/18  No School

April 21.    First Grade Program @ 6:30 for families

April 22.    First Grade performs for school family

May 18.     Papa Murphy's Food Night

May 24.    Last day of school--1/2 day