Monday, April 11, 2022

The week of April 11-14

 What a beautiful weekend!  I hope you were able to enjoy it with your family!

We have a four day week this week with Good Friday off and a four day week next week due to Professional Development on Monday for teachers.  

This week in Phonics we are learning about the long u vowel teams and odd spellings.  We've already learned about the u-e (magic or silent e on the end).

U- music, menu, flu

UE- blue, true, clue, fuel

EW- new, flew, chew, knew

OO-  too, boom, soon

ough- through

Sight Words:  could, would, their, together (easy to spell if you remember it has 3 words inside -to get her)

Compound words!  The kids have fun with compound words (two words put together to make one!)

Reading to work on at home!

*Nonsense words--I'm sending home a word list to have your child practice reading with cvc words.  Read a row at a time until can read it fluently (quickly) like any sight word.  Then go to the next row!

Math--Chapter 9--This week we are continuing with 2 D shapes--counting their sides, vertices, and drawing them.  We will also have fun composing other patterns out of 2 D shapes.

What to work on at home!  

*Review counting by 10's starting with number:  7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, etc.  

* Use random numbers and ask 2 more, 2 less, 10 more, 10 less

* Have your child start counting forward from 88, 39, 105 and go up 10 numbers

*Have your child count backward 10 numbers beginning at 105, 98, 86

Science--Plants!  This week we are learning parts of a plant, what they need to grow, types of plants, and we will be planting grass to water and watch it grow!

Our music program is coming up fast!  It's on April 21 at 6:30!  If your child has a speaking part, please make sure he/she has learned it before music class this Wednesday, so they will be ready to say it during their practice!  Thank you for your help! :)

Coming up!

April 15/18  No School

April 21.    First Grade Program @ 6:30 for families

April 22.    First Grade performs for school family

May 18.     Papa Murphy's Food Night

May 24.    Last day of school--1/2 day

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