Monday, September 19, 2022

The week of Sept. 19

 There is lots going on this week!


We are beginning short u in Phonics.  Our new sight words are: 

have, are, with, little

Short u patterns:

up--cup, pup

ut--cut, hut

ug--dug, bug

um--gum, hum

Check out our Phonics page we did today in your child's folder to see the short u word patterns we worked on today.  Having your child read a line a day will be great practice on their fluency!  

I am also sending home short vowel lists for your child to practice fluency.  Have your child sound out the words using onset rhyme--cat would be read- c-at. r-at, h-at.  This helps your child read the word more smoothly and it's easier to blend the letters.


Today we did our math addition fluency pages.  The kids are learning a couple strategies to use and see what works best for them.  I gave them a number line and teddy bear to practice counting forward to add. If your child missed any, I marked them and they worked with me to correct the problems.  

Chapter one review is tomorrow

Chapter one test is Wednesday or Thursday depending on our time with the delayed start on Wednesday.

Social Studies

Monday:  Veterinarian

Tues.:  Firefighter

Wed. : Dentist

Thurs. : Mailman

If you have any questions about the community helper project, please let me know.  I had Wed. as the due date, but Friday is fine too!

Coming up!

Sept.  20.      Minsky's Food Night

Sept. 21        Late Start Day--begin at 10:30

Sept. 22        Individual and class pictures-send in forms if you want to purchase them.

Skate Night at Skate City

Sept. 23        Lap-a-thon--CCE fundraiser-more info. coming

                      Scholastic online book orders due!

Sept. 28        Conferences 4-8 

Sept. 29        Conferences- All Day

Sunday, September 11, 2022

The week of Sept. 12

 I really enjoyed learning about your kids' favorites as they presented their items in their All About Me Bag!  Each one had fun sharing and the rest of the class did a great job giving their attention to each presenter!  It is great practice for each child to talk in front of an audience and for the audience to actively listen.  After presenting, they asked if anyone had any questions they could answer. :)

Thank you for helping your child complete the "I Am Special" sheet!  I will make it into a booklet to be rotating to each child's home each week.  

Math Homework:  If you see "Do" on a worksheet, it is homework for your child to complete and send back the next school day.  I wrote "Do" on the math homework on Friday that we did not have time to do in class.  I didn't have a chance to email a notice about it Friday.  Just send it in when your child has a chance to do it.  

Phonics worksheets not completed.  If there isn't a "Do" at the top, it is optional to complete and send back to school.  However, it is great practice for you to see how your child is understanding the concept we are working on and definitely helps your child with the Phonics skills.

Phonics this week!  Short o

Short o word families

ot--hot, pot, rot

og--hog, log, bog

op--hop, bop, cop

-od--cod, rod, sod

Sight words:

Math this week!

We are using red and yellow counters to make all of the fact families of 8, 9, 10.  

New addition strategies will be introduced!

1. using linking cubes to count up

2. using a number line to count forward

3. making a pancake-fist with our hand to count forward with our fingers.

Social Studies Unit:  Community Helpers

1.  Introducing what community helpers are 

2.  This week we are learning more about police officers and construction workers and we will do an activity about each.

3.  Are any of you police officers?  Please let me know if you'd be interested in visiting with our class and/or possibly the first grade!

Coming up!

Sept. 22        Individual and class pictures-send in forms if you want to purchase them.

Sept. 23        Lap-a-thon--CCE fundraiser-more info. coming

                      Scholastic online book orders due!

Sept. 28        Conferences 4-8 (Please sign up on my sign-up genius)

Sept. 29        Conferences- All Day

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The week of Sept. 6.

The week is flying by!  

There are a couple of items due by Friday if you can get them done.  If not, Monday works!  

1.  I Am Special--It has the smiley faces at the top.  You are welcome to add real pictures of your child and family.  I will make it into a book and then each child will get to take it home and learn about their classmates!

2.  All About Me Bag--See the attached paper with ideas for your child to put in the bag and share at school. :)

Reading this week!

Short i--we are working on these word families: 

 -in (pin, tin, win)

-ig (pig, wig, fig) 

 -it (pit, fit, sit)  

-ip (chip, lip, dip) 

 -id (lid, did, hid)

All About My Family--This week we are reading books about families and doing activities about our families!  Today we made a family tree that you will see coming home!

Next week we will begin our unit on Community Helpers.

Math- This week we learned that math problems can be written vertical and horizontal.  Today we worked on solving problems by looking for information given to us and what we didn't know yet.  The class had fun coming up and being a part of our problem solving strategies.

Next, we will be figuring out all the ways to find the answers 4, 5, 6, 7!

Coming up!

Sept. 9        "I am Special" worksheet and All About Me Bag due

Sept. 22        Individual and class pictures

Sept. 23        Lap-a-thon--CCE fundraiser-more info. coming

Sept. 28        Conferences 4-8 (Please sign up on my sign-up genius)

Sept. 29        Conferences- All Day