Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The week of Sept. 6.

The week is flying by!  

There are a couple of items due by Friday if you can get them done.  If not, Monday works!  

1.  I Am Special--It has the smiley faces at the top.  You are welcome to add real pictures of your child and family.  I will make it into a book and then each child will get to take it home and learn about their classmates!

2.  All About Me Bag--See the attached paper with ideas for your child to put in the bag and share at school. :)

Reading this week!

Short i--we are working on these word families: 

 -in (pin, tin, win)

-ig (pig, wig, fig) 

 -it (pit, fit, sit)  

-ip (chip, lip, dip) 

 -id (lid, did, hid)

All About My Family--This week we are reading books about families and doing activities about our families!  Today we made a family tree that you will see coming home!

Next week we will begin our unit on Community Helpers.

Math- This week we learned that math problems can be written vertical and horizontal.  Today we worked on solving problems by looking for information given to us and what we didn't know yet.  The class had fun coming up and being a part of our problem solving strategies.

Next, we will be figuring out all the ways to find the answers 4, 5, 6, 7!

Coming up!

Sept. 9        "I am Special" worksheet and All About Me Bag due

Sept. 22        Individual and class pictures

Sept. 23        Lap-a-thon--CCE fundraiser-more info. coming

Sept. 28        Conferences 4-8 (Please sign up on my sign-up genius)

Sept. 29        Conferences- All Day

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