Monday, November 28, 2022

The week of Nov. 28-Dec. 2

 I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

We are up and running in first grade!  

Phonics:  Can you child read these words?  We just started today reading -ing, -ong, ink words.  Writing them down for them to read would be great practice!

ing-sing, sting, bling 

ang- sang, rang, fang

ong-song, tong, pong

ung-sung, rung, lung

ink-sink, blink, wink

ank-sank, plank,thank

onk-honk, bonk, tonka

unk-sunk, plunk, flunk

Math--Chapter 4

Subtraction to 20--Continue practicing doubles facts to 20 to help with adding and subtracting.

ELA--Fairy Tales!

We are learning about the Fairy Tale Elements, reading various fairy tales and doing activities with them. 

Elements of a Fairy Tale:

1.  A make-believe story

2.  Magical Elements

3.  Good Wins over bad

4.   Wicked characters

5.  Royalty

6.  Problems and events often happen in 3's--The Three Little Pigs

7.  The setting is often enchanted forests, castles, or kingdoms

8.  Happily ever after endings

Coming up!

Thurs. Dec. 8.   PTO Food Night at Papa Murphy's

Tues. Dec. 20.    1/2 day school- Winter Celebration!

4th Grade Buddies making turkeys together!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The week of Nov. 14-18

I hope you had a great weekend!

It sure is cold outside!  Please try to pack gloves and stocking hats with your child's winter coat each day.  Our Recess Attire Rules say if it's 0-49, your child must have a winter coat to wear or he/she will have to stay inside with a teacher that does not have recess duty.

Book Fair!  Our class goes to the book fair on Wednesday.  It will be PJ day at the book fair for us!  It's handy to put money for book fair shopping on the ewallet explained on the CCE Parent Smore.  Mrs Arter will have every child's ewallet amount, but you may print off the amount also and send it.  You may also send in cash in an envelope with your child's name, so we know whose it is and it doesn't get lost.  Can parents join their child at our time on Wed. at 1:40-2:40?  Of course!  If you have already shopped with your child, that is great too!  Let me know if you have any questions!

Phonics:  This week our digraphs are:  beginning ch-, ending -ch, and -tch.  
When do you use a ch at the end of a word?  A word that has a consonant in front of the /ch/ sound is a -ch. 
lunch, bunch, search
A word that has a vowel in front of a /ch/ sound makes it a -tch at the end of a word.  match, patch
But then there are exceptions like: such, much

Heart words:  our, too, they, eat

We finished chapter 3 on Adding to 20.  We took our test today.
The rest of the week we are going to work on place value with Tens and ones--4 tens, 3 ones is the number 43.

Science:  The class has done well learning the phases of the moon.  Friday we had fun making the phases with Oreos!  See the pictures below.
We are learning about the 8 planets (Pluto is not considered a planet anymore.  It is called a Dwarf Planet).
Then, we will have fun learning what our constellation is!

Veterans!  We learned so much about who a Veteran is from Barrett's Dad, Jesse and Gabby's Dad, Christopher!  
We thank you so much for coming!  Enjoy the pictures below!
Jesse ended as a 3rd Squad Team Leader .
Christopher ended as a Company Commander!

Coming up!
Wed. Nov. 16.    Scott's class at the book fair-1:40-2:40, Wear PJ's!
Sat. Nov. 19.     Winter Wonderland 9-12 pm
Tues. Nov. 22    Chipotle food night
Thurs. Dec. 8.   PTO Food Night at Papa Murphy's
Tues. Dec. 20.    1/2 day Winter Celebration!
Nov. 23-25.        Thanksgiving vacation

Thank you for your service Mr. Breen!

Thank you for your service Mr. Cepeda!

8 Moon Phases with Oreos! Yum!

Monday, November 7, 2022

The week of Nov. 7-11

 November is going to fly by fast!  This week we have 2 Veterans coming in to inform us about their job in the military.  It'll be great to hear first hand from one who has experienced being in the military!

The specials team will also be doing an Veteran's Day activity with the kids that did not get the reward of a PE party from a certain amount of money brought in for the Lap-a-thon.  

The class will also write a "Thank You" letter for a veteran this week!  

Thank You to all of you parents who are Veterans!!  

We appreciate YOU!

I have one speaker coming in Thursday and one on Friday.   I think it would be great if your child wore red, white,  or blue on Thursday and Friday!  If your child has any camouflage, that would work too!

Phonics this week!

We are beginning consonant digraphs this week.  A digraph is 2 letters together making one sound (sh, th, ch, wh, ph).

This week we will focus on /sh/ at the beginning and end of a word, along with /th/ at the beginning and end of a word.  We are also learning that /th/ has an unvoiced sound like in "thin" and a voiced sound like in "the"

Our heart words this week are: were, gave, go, first

were:  we can sound out the w, but have to memorize ere.

gave:  we can sound out gav, but have to memorize e.  No word will have a v at the end by itself.  There will always be an e after it.

go-- we can sound it out

first:  the i is the only letter to memorize


*Making a ten from an addition problem to solve easier.  8 + 4 would be 10 + 2.  We used our ten frame magnetic paddles to solve this.  

Today we just practiced with our paddles.  We will do the assignment tomorrow.

*Adding 3 numbers together. Looking for doubles and making 10 to add together first.  

Our test will probably be next week.


We are continuing with the study of the moon and its 8 phases.  Tonight will still be a "waxing gibbous" meaning it looks like the moon is getting bigger.  Tomorrow night will be a Full Moon!  Then it will begin waning or getting smaller.

We will do a fun activity with Oreos the end of the week showing all of the different phases and then it will be fun to eat them!  Shh!  It's a secret!  

Coming up!

Mon. Nov. 7.    Skate City 6-8 pm. Tonight!  Have fun!
Tues.  Nov 8.    Book Fair begins
Wed. Nov. 9     Late Start @ 10:30
                          Veteran slip due cut off letter
Fri. Nov. 11.     Book Fair Grand Event. 4-7pm
                          Turkey Disguise DUE
Sat. Nov. 19.     Winter Wonderland 9-12 pm
Tues. Nov. 22    Chipotle food night

Nov. 23-25.        Thanksgiving vacation

Rainy day fun in the Imagination Station