Monday, November 28, 2022

The week of Nov. 28-Dec. 2

 I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

We are up and running in first grade!  

Phonics:  Can you child read these words?  We just started today reading -ing, -ong, ink words.  Writing them down for them to read would be great practice!

ing-sing, sting, bling 

ang- sang, rang, fang

ong-song, tong, pong

ung-sung, rung, lung

ink-sink, blink, wink

ank-sank, plank,thank

onk-honk, bonk, tonka

unk-sunk, plunk, flunk

Math--Chapter 4

Subtraction to 20--Continue practicing doubles facts to 20 to help with adding and subtracting.

ELA--Fairy Tales!

We are learning about the Fairy Tale Elements, reading various fairy tales and doing activities with them. 

Elements of a Fairy Tale:

1.  A make-believe story

2.  Magical Elements

3.  Good Wins over bad

4.   Wicked characters

5.  Royalty

6.  Problems and events often happen in 3's--The Three Little Pigs

7.  The setting is often enchanted forests, castles, or kingdoms

8.  Happily ever after endings

Coming up!

Thurs. Dec. 8.   PTO Food Night at Papa Murphy's

Tues. Dec. 20.    1/2 day school- Winter Celebration!

4th Grade Buddies making turkeys together!

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