Friday, August 26, 2016

Camp Kindergarten!

We ended our week having fun with our 5 senses!  I had items in 4 bags for all but hearing.  The kids had to smell, taste, touch, and see the objects and write what they think it was in their camp booklet that came home.  Have them tell you what they guessed and if they got it correct!   My favorite was the smelling bag!  I put a yellow rose in there for them to smell.  I was afraid it wouldn't have enough smell since they couldn't hold it up to their nose, so I sprayed a little perfume on it.  Some of them thought it smelled good, and some didn't.  Only one guessed it was a flower, but there were some great guesses!  For the hearing sense, they listened to outdoor noises from when I camped in a tent this summer!  I woke up early one morning before everyone else, and heard the awesome noises of birds, owls, and cows.  That one was an easy guess!  The last thing we did was sit around our fire, eat our smores, and the kids told scary stories! (what a hoot!)  Enjoy the pictures!

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