Monday, August 29, 2016

The week of Aug. 29.

I hope you all had a great weekend!  The rain is sure helping my grass green up!

A couple of things.  Math homework went home Friday in the green Friday folder.  It was a practice sheet on writing 1, 2, 3.  Please make sure your child completes it and returns it tomorrow.  Many students need extra practice on their numbers.  There will be a 4, 5 homework sheet coming home on Friday to be returned on Tuesday, Sept. 6.   Thank you for helping your child succeed at school and home by doing the extra practice at home!  I will let you know when most homework is due by a note.  If there isn't a note, homework is due the next day and I will email you that the class has a page to complete.

Flip flops~  Please refrain from allowing your child to wear flip flops to school.  I have seen many children trip and get hurt when wearing them.  I have also seen the flip flops break and then we have a bigger problem.  If the flip flop has a strap around the back of the foot, that would be fine!
Thank you for your help with this.

Ss book came home today!  Have your child point to each word when reading!  This helps them with word awareness and will help them write sentences in the future!  They know to add it to their bucket of books!

Watch Me Grow~  Each month we will draw a house, tree, and me in the Watch Me Grow packet. They will also learn to  add details to make their picture interesting.  This will help them learn to find the "baseline" on a page, so they learn how to place objects on a page.  As they draw each month, they will learn that houses and trees should be at the bottom of the page like they sit on the ground.  Many begin by drawing them in the middle of the page which would represent them floating on air.  :)  

Reading this week!
Theme book:  Is This My Classroom?
vocabulary:  respect, behave, neighborhood (we will read, David Goes to School this week and talk about positive/negative behavior.)
comprehension:  making connections with our own neighborhood
letter of the week:  Ss, Take turns with your child saying words that begin with Ss.
sight words:  and, is  Have your child think of a sentence with one of the sight words in it.  How many words are in it?
color of the week:  Yellow,   wear yellow on Wednesday

Math this week!
This week we are counting 4 and 5 objects as we put a mark on them.  This helps us not to miss any objects we count.  We will also be writing the numbers 4 and 5.  A practice sheet to write 4 and 5 will come home on Friday.

Coming Up
Aug. 31       Wear Yellow today!
Sept. 1         Apple Day Planning Meeting @ 4:15 in North Activity Center
Sept. 5         Labor Day, no school
Sept. 7         Wear Blue today!
Sept. 14       Wear Green today!

Red Day!!

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