Monday, September 26, 2016

Two day week!

We only have school through tomorrow!  I'll see you all at Parent conferences on Wednesday at your scheduled time!  Please double check your time so you don't miss info. about your precious kindergartner!  I attached the appointment times.  I'm looking forward to meeting with you all!  If your child needs to come with you, they are welcome to sit in the hall and look at the books I have out.  I would rather they not be in the classroom while we visit.  Thank you!

We will complete Theme 5 in reading next week.
Letter of this week and next week:  Short a (the action is the arms making the alligator chomping action).
Our next color is brown.  Our brown color snack will be Thursday, Oct. 6 due to picture day on Wed. Oct. 5.  We really don't want everyone to think they need to wear brown on picture day.  :)

Sight words:
 that, was (our last 2 for first quarter)  Next week we will begin the 2nd quarter words.  Please take advantage of the 5 days off to catch your child up if they still don't have 1st quarter words mastered!

There will be other important sight words added in at times but they are not required to know.  I will always let you know which ones are not required, but you can check the list, and know they aren't if they are not on it.

We are counting and writing 6-9 this week.  I will be sending home a math packet next week to
practice at home too!  It really made a difference in their handwriting of numbers 1-5 when they practiced at home also!

Coming up!
Sept. 28         Parent/Teacher Confereneces, No School KDG only
Sept. 29-30    No School KDG-5th
Oct. 5             Students pictures
Oct. 6             Wear Brown today!

Oct. 7             Apple Day! 

Purple Day!

 Silly Purple Day Picture!

Monday, September 19, 2016

The week of Sept. 19-23.

The weeks are flying by!  Next week is Parent-Teacher conferences already!  Everyone received their appointment time in their child's Friday Folder last Friday.  If you have any issues with the time, please let me know.  Please be on time so we don't have a shortened meeting.  Each appointment is 25 min. long and I have 5 min. leeway figured in before the next appointment.  I will go over how your child is doing so far in Kindergarten and what they need help with at home.  Thank you all for working with your child at home on sight words and homework! I can really notice a difference on sight words learned.

Fish--Please remember to have your child complete the fish project by this Friday!  We will do our share activity next week!

Computer log-in--Please have your child practice their computer log-in at home on a keyboard.  It takes Kindergartners time to find the letters and numbers on the keyboard, especially if they do not know all of the letters and numbers in their user name and pass code.  If you have them type it on a document and see if they get it correct, then they will know that they are doing it right.  There's only one computer teacher and it takes her awhile to get around to everyone to help them find their letters and numbers.  We have computer class on Friday, so please try to help your child practice before then so they will have time to play a game!

Library is tomorrow!  Please send back library books!  Remind your child to get it out of his/her backpack and put it in the yellow crate!

This week in Reading!
Theme 5  "Who I Am"
Theme story:  Building Buddy
Comprehension:  Use Fix-Up Strategies!  When we get stuck on a word, we can use what I know about letters and sounds to figure out the word.  If I see someone smiling and the word starts with an "h", then the word might be happy.  Use picture clues to help sound out words too!
Vocabulary:  feelings, body, match
Phonemic Awareness:  segmenting to spell a word~ cat, c-a-t. Blending to read a word: c-a-t, cat
Letter and sound of the week:  Tt  Hold hands up like you are going to tickle when saying the sound.
sight words:  it, he  (Can I tell you all 8 sight words that I have learned?)
Color of the week-  Purple

Constitution Week!
This week is Constitution Week to focus on what it is!  We will read a book called, "We the Kids", do an activity on matching responsibility, respect, and safety, along with watching the Schoolhouse Rock video with the catchy song tune of the Preamble of the Constitution.  If you didn't grow up with Schoolhouse Rock Videos like I did, check it out on You tube!  Last but not least, we are going to work in pairs to illustrate what the Preamble means to us in kid friendly terms!  You'll get to see it at conferences!

Math this week!
Today we did a worksheet over the ordinal numbers through the fifth, you might check it out.  Please review saying the ordinal numbers orally:  first, second, third, fourth, fifth.  Then make sure they understand that number one means first, two means second, etc.  This will be on their math test over Topic 2 tomorrow!

Topic 3~  Counting, Reading, and Writing numbers 6-10.  The vocabulary we use to write 6-10 is in your Parent Info. Night packet.  

The kids will be writing numbers 1-10 this week to see what they know!

Coming Up!
Sept. 21        Wear Purple today!
Sept. 21         All Pro Dad's Breakfast 8:00 in cafeteria.  This is for Dad and children.
Sept. 23          All fish are due that are made at home!  Please send in ASAP!
Sept. 28         Parent/Teacher Confereneces, No School KDG only

Sept. 29-30    No School KDG-5th
Oct. 5             Students pictures
Oct. 6             Wear Brown today!
Oct. 7             Apple Day! 
Green Day!

Getting ready to start!

 Popsicle time!

Monday, September 12, 2016

The week of Sept. 12-16.

This weekend was superb weather!  How nice to start feeling Fall coming on!  I'm ready!

Don't forget LIBRARY tomorrow!  If your child hasn't brought back their library book, please have them do so tomorrow so they can check out a new book!

Whenever you need to send in money for something, please make sure it is put in an envelope with what it is for on the front.  I am still trying to get the kids to remember to look in their folders daily for any notes that need turned in to my mailbox.  Make sure they know that you have put info. in their folder that needs turned in to my mailbox.  Thank you!

Lap-a-thon--  This is one of our big CCE Fundraisers!  We aren't selling anything which is nice!  All donations go to our school to purchase wonderful things for our school and classrooms!  My KDG time is this Friday from 9:35-9:50!  It will be behind the school.  Please come and walk, jog, or watch your child to support exercise in your child's life!  We will not need water bottles.  We only run 15 min. and then we will go right in and get drinks from the fountain.  Donations are due Oct. 7!  It's a fun time, so please join us!

Parent/Teacher Conferences!  WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28!  Everyone has a time to meet with me.  If you need to change your time, please let me know.  I do have a few times left.  Just a reminder, that Kindergarteners will not come to school that day, even though 1st-5th grades will!  No school for all grades on Sept. 29-30.  

This week in Reading!
Week two for Schools Have Rules!
vocab.:  learn, enter, order
Letter of the week:  Hh  (action is putting our hand up to our mouth like it's hot and saying sound)  We will think of words beginning with Hh this week.  Can I tell you any?
Color of the week:  Green
sight words:  of, it  I have noticed that not everyone is able to help us say the sight words when we review them as a class.  Please review all sight words daily, as we are already up to 8 and it is hard to catch up when you get behind.  Thank you for your support at home with sight words.
Phonemic awareness skill:  Continue to work on rhyming words.  Begin asking your child what words begin with.  Map:  /Mm/ sound, etc.

Math this week! 
Topic 2:   Comparing and Ordering 1-5, more and fewer, ordinal numbers through five
Skill:  Can I tell you 1 or 2 more than a given number and 1 or 2 fewer than a given number?
Example:  2 more than 5 = 7, 2 fewer than 5 = 3.  We use pictures or objects to help us.

Coming Up
Sept. 14       Wear Green today!
Sept. 16        Lap-a-thon today! 
Sept. 21        Wear Purple today!
Sept. 21         All Pro Dad's Breakfast 8:00 in cafeteria.  This is for Dad and children.
Sept. 23          All fish are due that are made at home!  Please send in ASAP!
Sept. 28         Parent/Teacher Confereneces, No School KDG only
Sept. 29-30    No School KDG-5th

The week of Sept. 12-16.

This weekend was superb weather!  How nice to start feeling Fall coming on!  I'm ready!

Don't forget LIBRARY tomorrow!  If your child hasn't brought back their library book, please have them do so tomorrow so they can check out a new book!

Whenever you need to send in money for something, please make sure it is put in an envelope with what it is for on the front.  I am still trying to get the kids to remember to look in their folders daily for any notes that need turned in to my mailbox.  Make sure they know that you have put info. in their folder that needs turned in to my mailbox.  Thank you!

Lap-a-thon--  This is one of our big CCE Fundraisers!  We aren't selling anything which is nice!  All donations go to our school to purchase wonderful things for our school and classrooms!  It is this Friday from 9:35-9:50!  It will be behind the school.  Please come and walk, jog, or watch your child to support exercise in your child's life!  We will not need water bottles.  We only run 15 min. and then we will go right in and get drinks from the fountain.  Donations are due Oct. 7!  It's a fun time, so please join us!

Parent/Teacher Conferences!  WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28!  Everyone has a time to meet with me.  If you need to change your time, please let me know.  I do have a few times left.  Just a reminder, that Kindergarteners will not come to school that day, even though 1st-5th will!  No school for all grades on Sept. 29-30.  

This week in Reading!
Week two for Schools Have Rules!
vocab.:  learn, enter, order
Letter of the week:  Hh  (action is putting our hand up to our mouth like it's hot and saying sound)  We will think of words beginning with Hh this week.  Can I tell you any?
Color of the week:  Green
sight words:  of, it  I have noticed that not everyone is able to help us say the sight words when we review them as a class.  Please review all sight words daily, as we are already up to 8 and it is hard to catch up when you get behind.  Thank you for your support at home with sight words.
Phonemic awareness skill:  Continue to work on rhyming words.  Begin asking your child what words begin with.  Map:  /Mm/ sound, etc.

Math this week! 
Topic 2:   Comparing and Ordering 1-5, more and fewer, ordinal numbers through five
Skill:  Can I tell you 1 or 2 more than a given number and 1 or 2 fewer than a given number?
Example:  2 more than 5 = 7, 2 fewer than 5 = 3.  We use pictures or objects to help us.

Coming Up
Sept. 14       Wear Green today!
Sept. 16        Lap-a-thon today! 
Sept. 21        Wear Purple today!
Sept. 21         All Pro Dad's Breakfast 8:00 in cafeteria.  This is for Dad and children.
Sept. 23          All fish are due that are made at home!  Please send in ASAP!
Sept. 28         Parent/Teacher Confereneces, No School KDG only
Sept. 29-30    No School KDG-5th

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The week of Sept. 6-9.

What a beautiful weekend!  I hope you all were able to get out and enjoy it!  The kids might say that I had a "raspy" voice today.  Unfortunately I ended up with  laryngitis over the weekend! It was so nice to be able to talk again yesterday!

Scholastic book order in Friday Folder last week
If you are interested in ordering books from Scholastic, please do so by Friday, Sept. 9.  It is real easy to order on-line if you go to and put in our class code:  GZV77.  I will be able to see your order after you pay via credit card.  We get points for each book ordered that I will put toward more books for our class library.  You can also send in a check if you prefer and I will mail it on.  

Ff for Fish
Let me know if you have any questions on what to do with the fish pattern that was sent home on Friday also.  I love the creativity of the fish that have already been brought in!  Please use something you already have at home.  Let your child have fun searching out options!  

This week in reading!  
Theme 2:  Schools Have Rules
Comprehension skills:  Making Connections and determine what's important
Vocabulary:  rules, citizen, teach
Letter of the week:  Ff (we use the "fishing" action when saying the sound for Ff)
Phonemic Awareness:  Rhyming (We are reading nursery rhymes and poems and listening for rhyming words)  See if your child can go back and forth with you telling rhyming words.  They can be consonant-vowel-consonant words like:  cat, bat, sat, rat, or silly nonsense words that rhyme.  If they are struggling, make sure you point out that the ending sounds have to be the same, you just change the beginning sound.
sight words:  in, to (please keep reviewing: a, the, and, is)
color of the week:  Blue  (wear blue tomorrow, Wednesday)

Math this week!
We took our Topic One math test today over numbers 1-5.  The kids did well and will get it back tomorrow.  We will begin Topic Two tomorrow comparing and ordering numbers 0 to 5.  Please keep reviewing writing numbers 1-5, so your child doesn't forget how to write them correctly!  Using the direction sheet for writing numbers in the parent packet from Parent Info. Night will give your child a head start on the numbers 6-10.  They love practicing on dry erase boards if you have any at home!  It's more fun than paper and pencil.

Handwriting Without Tears
We have been using our foam lines and curves to learn how to make the uppercase letters.  Can your child tell you what lines and curves to use for these letters?  F, ,E, D, P, B, R, N, M, 
I just introduced more letters today that we will review tomorrow.  Next week we will begin writing the uppercase letters in our handwriting book.

Coming Up!
Sept. 7         Wear Blue today!
Sept. 14       Wear Green today!
Sept. 16        Lap-a-thon today! (A lapathon note came home today!)
Sept. 21        Wear Purple today!
Sept. 21         All Pro Dad's Breakfast 8:00 in cafeteria.  This is for Dad and children.
Sept. 28         Parent/Teacher Confereneces, No School KDG only
Sept. 29-30    No School KDG-5th

Yellow Day!