Monday, September 12, 2016

The week of Sept. 12-16.

This weekend was superb weather!  How nice to start feeling Fall coming on!  I'm ready!

Don't forget LIBRARY tomorrow!  If your child hasn't brought back their library book, please have them do so tomorrow so they can check out a new book!

Whenever you need to send in money for something, please make sure it is put in an envelope with what it is for on the front.  I am still trying to get the kids to remember to look in their folders daily for any notes that need turned in to my mailbox.  Make sure they know that you have put info. in their folder that needs turned in to my mailbox.  Thank you!

Lap-a-thon--  This is one of our big CCE Fundraisers!  We aren't selling anything which is nice!  All donations go to our school to purchase wonderful things for our school and classrooms!  My KDG time is this Friday from 9:35-9:50!  It will be behind the school.  Please come and walk, jog, or watch your child to support exercise in your child's life!  We will not need water bottles.  We only run 15 min. and then we will go right in and get drinks from the fountain.  Donations are due Oct. 7!  It's a fun time, so please join us!

Parent/Teacher Conferences!  WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28!  Everyone has a time to meet with me.  If you need to change your time, please let me know.  I do have a few times left.  Just a reminder, that Kindergarteners will not come to school that day, even though 1st-5th grades will!  No school for all grades on Sept. 29-30.  

This week in Reading!
Week two for Schools Have Rules!
vocab.:  learn, enter, order
Letter of the week:  Hh  (action is putting our hand up to our mouth like it's hot and saying sound)  We will think of words beginning with Hh this week.  Can I tell you any?
Color of the week:  Green
sight words:  of, it  I have noticed that not everyone is able to help us say the sight words when we review them as a class.  Please review all sight words daily, as we are already up to 8 and it is hard to catch up when you get behind.  Thank you for your support at home with sight words.
Phonemic awareness skill:  Continue to work on rhyming words.  Begin asking your child what words begin with.  Map:  /Mm/ sound, etc.

Math this week! 
Topic 2:   Comparing and Ordering 1-5, more and fewer, ordinal numbers through five
Skill:  Can I tell you 1 or 2 more than a given number and 1 or 2 fewer than a given number?
Example:  2 more than 5 = 7, 2 fewer than 5 = 3.  We use pictures or objects to help us.

Coming Up
Sept. 14       Wear Green today!
Sept. 16        Lap-a-thon today! 
Sept. 21        Wear Purple today!
Sept. 21         All Pro Dad's Breakfast 8:00 in cafeteria.  This is for Dad and children.
Sept. 23          All fish are due that are made at home!  Please send in ASAP!
Sept. 28         Parent/Teacher Confereneces, No School KDG only
Sept. 29-30    No School KDG-5th

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