Monday, September 19, 2016

The week of Sept. 19-23.

The weeks are flying by!  Next week is Parent-Teacher conferences already!  Everyone received their appointment time in their child's Friday Folder last Friday.  If you have any issues with the time, please let me know.  Please be on time so we don't have a shortened meeting.  Each appointment is 25 min. long and I have 5 min. leeway figured in before the next appointment.  I will go over how your child is doing so far in Kindergarten and what they need help with at home.  Thank you all for working with your child at home on sight words and homework! I can really notice a difference on sight words learned.

Fish--Please remember to have your child complete the fish project by this Friday!  We will do our share activity next week!

Computer log-in--Please have your child practice their computer log-in at home on a keyboard.  It takes Kindergartners time to find the letters and numbers on the keyboard, especially if they do not know all of the letters and numbers in their user name and pass code.  If you have them type it on a document and see if they get it correct, then they will know that they are doing it right.  There's only one computer teacher and it takes her awhile to get around to everyone to help them find their letters and numbers.  We have computer class on Friday, so please try to help your child practice before then so they will have time to play a game!

Library is tomorrow!  Please send back library books!  Remind your child to get it out of his/her backpack and put it in the yellow crate!

This week in Reading!
Theme 5  "Who I Am"
Theme story:  Building Buddy
Comprehension:  Use Fix-Up Strategies!  When we get stuck on a word, we can use what I know about letters and sounds to figure out the word.  If I see someone smiling and the word starts with an "h", then the word might be happy.  Use picture clues to help sound out words too!
Vocabulary:  feelings, body, match
Phonemic Awareness:  segmenting to spell a word~ cat, c-a-t. Blending to read a word: c-a-t, cat
Letter and sound of the week:  Tt  Hold hands up like you are going to tickle when saying the sound.
sight words:  it, he  (Can I tell you all 8 sight words that I have learned?)
Color of the week-  Purple

Constitution Week!
This week is Constitution Week to focus on what it is!  We will read a book called, "We the Kids", do an activity on matching responsibility, respect, and safety, along with watching the Schoolhouse Rock video with the catchy song tune of the Preamble of the Constitution.  If you didn't grow up with Schoolhouse Rock Videos like I did, check it out on You tube!  Last but not least, we are going to work in pairs to illustrate what the Preamble means to us in kid friendly terms!  You'll get to see it at conferences!

Math this week!
Today we did a worksheet over the ordinal numbers through the fifth, you might check it out.  Please review saying the ordinal numbers orally:  first, second, third, fourth, fifth.  Then make sure they understand that number one means first, two means second, etc.  This will be on their math test over Topic 2 tomorrow!

Topic 3~  Counting, Reading, and Writing numbers 6-10.  The vocabulary we use to write 6-10 is in your Parent Info. Night packet.  

The kids will be writing numbers 1-10 this week to see what they know!

Coming Up!
Sept. 21        Wear Purple today!
Sept. 21         All Pro Dad's Breakfast 8:00 in cafeteria.  This is for Dad and children.
Sept. 23          All fish are due that are made at home!  Please send in ASAP!
Sept. 28         Parent/Teacher Confereneces, No School KDG only

Sept. 29-30    No School KDG-5th
Oct. 5             Students pictures
Oct. 6             Wear Brown today!
Oct. 7             Apple Day! 
Green Day!

Getting ready to start!

 Popsicle time!

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