Monday, December 5, 2016

The week of Dec. 5-9.

I'm looking forward to a fun week in Kindergarten!

This week we are finishing up our Economics, Social Studies Unit talking about community helpers and those who do a service!  We will read nonfiction books on police officers, firefighters, doctors/nurses, and bakers.  Then we will make a "bubble map" giving details about each person.  Since we have our own school nurse here, we will get to hear about what Mrs. McGlasson's job is here at school and when she was a nurse in the hospital.  Finally, we will top off our week on Friday with Job Day!  It will be awesome to hear what some of our parents do at their job.

If your child hasn't turned in their book-it calendar, please do so by Wednesday!  It would be great to get a 100% participation this month!

Look for 3rd quarter sight words tomorrow or Wednesday!  I will retest over 2nd quarter words this Friday!  Is your child ready?

Sight words this week are:  by, word
Letter of the week:  Hard g (we pat our legs to make a gallop noise)  I also have them touch their throat when saying it to feel their Adam's apple move.  When we say the "soft g", you don't feel it move.

Math this week!
We took our Topic 14 math test on 2D Flat Shapes today, and began Topic 16 on 3D Solid Shapes.  It is fun to play with Geoboards, making shapes with rubberbands on a square pegboard.  We will also use pattern blocks to make compose bigger shapes.  

With the 3D shapes, we will learn which ones roll, slide, and stack.

Coming up!
Fri. Dec. 9    Job Day
Tues. Dec. 13  Winter Party
Thurs. Dec. 15  No School KDG, 1/2 day for 1st-5th
Dec. 19-Jan. 3   Christmas vacation

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