Monday, November 28, 2016

The week of Nov. 28-Dec. 2

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving Break!  My break was not restful, but it was pretty awesome in New York!  It's definitely the city that never sleeps!  We had great weather for November there and got a lot of exercise walking everywhere.  We saw two Broadway shows and the Macy's day parade.  A few of the kids said they saw me in it!

Moving on to the present. We began our Social Studies Economics Unit today.  We talked about "needs and wants".  The rest of the week we will learn about "goods and services" along with "producers and consumers".  I have some great books that follow each of these topics.  We will also be sorting pictures for each of the two topics we do.

Job Day!  If you are able and willing to tell us about what you do, we'd love to hear about it!  Please fill out the form and what time works for you, and I will do my best to accommodate it.  
It would be great if you would add if you offer a "good or service" or are a "producer or consumer" at your place of employment.  Next week we will talk about people who have a career in community service such as a police officer, doctor, etc.  

You child may be surprised about what you share about your job.  They love to learn more about what mom and/or dad does all day.  If you do join us at Job Day, and have something to hand out for the kids that pertains to what you do, we have 16 kids now.  Thank you for considering!  Let me know if you have any questions!

Sight words:  one, had
Letter of the week:  Rr

Math this week!
We are working on Topic 14, Identifying and Describing Shapes.
These are 2 dimensional, flat shapes:  rectangles, squares, circles, triangles, and hexagons.  The kids will need to know how many sides and corners each shape has, so reviewing with them at home would be helpful.

Hopefully we can get back on track on Istation at home after our break. :)  I am going to begin giving out a Smartie to those that reach 50 minutes each week.  That's how important I believe Istation is.  

Book-it Calendar
I had almost 100% return their book-it calendar for October.  It is a Kindergarten requirement as we want all kids to be reading with someone at home, along with reading their little books.  The more they read and hear you read, the better reader they will become.  I promise you it will begin clicking with your child when they are ready!  

Sight words
Thank you for continuing to review the sight words at home!  I can really notice a difference when he/she is reviewing them!  

The Dibels test will be given to my class again this Friday to see how your child has progressed since August.  I am attaching a practice sheet and will send home a hard copy as well with words, nonsense words, letters and sounds to practice.  Knowing their letters and sounds will definitely help with sounding out the words.  The are welcome to use the "body walk" to sound out the words.  Thank you for reviewing at home this week!  I will work on it with my small groups too!

Coming up!
Fri. Dec. 2    Turn in Job Day forms if you would like to share!
Fri. Dec. 9    Job Day
Tues. Dec. 13  Winter Party
Thurs. Dec. 15  No School KDG, 1/2 day for 1st-5th
Dec. 19-Jan. 3   Christmas vacation

With our headdresses!

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