Monday, February 27, 2017

The week of Feb. 27-Mar. 3.

Did I just write March in the date above?  That is so hard to believe!  Our half days just fly by with my busy bees!  Today they did a journal using a noun.  They came up with awesome sentences about the noun in their pictures!  I love this time of year when they aren't afraid of writing sentences without my help!

Spelling test:  our first test is Friday!  I hope the practice has gone well.  Please make sure to look for all lowercase letters when your child is writing the words.  Thank you!

This week in Reading! 
Theme 12  The Mighty Sun
Theme story:  My Favorite Star
vocab:  glowing, heat, source
inference:  making 
letter of the week:  Ww, r-controlled vowels (ir, er, ur)
Our last two of the 50 sight words:  if, their
         We will continue with new sight words each week until school is out, but they are not part of Frye's sight words that will be on the spelling tests.  The more you read, the better reader you will become!  
We will also read a "moon" book and "planet" book this week to elaborate on our theme.

Read Across America! is tied in with Dr. Seuss Week this week!  We will be doing journals geared toward "Cat in the Hat".  Thursday is Dr. Seuss' 113th birthday!  We will do special Seuss activities on Friday, along with a special snack!  We will read two of the favorites:  The Cat in the Hat,  and Green Eggs and Ham.   Dr. Seuss has several pen names that he also used in place of his real name, including Dr. Seuss!  I'll let your kids tell you about them after I teach them!

I sent home the dress up days in honor of some of Dr. Seuss' books!  Check your child's folder for them!
Tuesday:  Hat day,The Cat in the Hat
Wednesday:  Wacky sock day, Fox in Socks
Thursday:  dress up like a Seuss character for his autobiography,  Dr. Seuss, We Love You
Friday:  Wear green for Green Eggs and Ham

Math this week:
We just took our Subtraction Math test today.  Some are still trying to understand how to write the subtraction problem when given a subtraction story.  However, we all have to remember that it is the first time they have done this.  It is just introduced in Kindergarten.  We are looking for them to be able to use manipulatives to solve a problem.  It is my suggestion to try to have your child memorize the facts to 5 before first grade to be ahead of where they expect them coming in!  It is not a KDG still to master! 

Topic 9  More addition!  We will be adding up to 10 with pictures first.  Then we will be "decomposing", which is when the answer is given first instead of last.  This is a bit confusing at first, but it's letting them know that know matter where the sum is, the problem is the same.

Coming up!
Feb. 27-Mar. 3  Read Across America
Thur. Mar. 2      Dr. Seuss' 113th birthday!
Fri. Mar.  10      Last day of 3rd quarter!
Mar. 13-17         Spring Break!
Mar. 20              No School!  Inservice/workday
Thurs. Mar. 30  Farm Day Planning Meeting at 4:15 

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