Monday, February 6, 2017

Feb. 6-10.

Wow!  100's day is already here!  We are so excited about celebrating it tomorrow!  Please make sure to send in your child's 100 snack and 100 collection in baggies tomorrow with their name on them!

Pajama Day!!!!  The class filled up the class bucket last week, so I thought it would be great timing to have a pajama day tomorrow (Tuesday) as well!  It'll be a super-hyped day anyway, so we might as well add more hype!  LOL!  I totally ran out of time to tell the kids what I decided, so it will be a surprise to them!

Parent-Teacher conferences--All of you should have received the conference time reminder in your child's Friday Folder.  I'm assuming your times are still ok for you, if I haven't heard from you.  :)

Days off--Parent Conferences are on Wednesday all day for 1/2 day KDG.  They are after school and evening for full day KDG and 1-5.  Thursday is only full day KDG and 1-5.  I have all of my conferences on Wednesday only, due to being employed half-time.  We are also off Friday and Monday for Presidents' Day.  I'll see the kids back on Tuesday, Feb. 21!

Valentine's Day Party--  We will have our Valentine's Day Party on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14!  It is the last school day that week.  I will have sacks for the kids to decorate in our classroom, so no boxes have to be decorated at home.  Have fun with that in future grades!  We have 16 kids in our class, but only 15 valentines need to be brought since your child doesn't need to bring one for themselves.  Please have your child just write  "their name" on it.  It is much easier for them to deliver to sacks if they don't put their classmates' names on the valentine.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

Reading this week!  
We are enjoying more learning about Presidents this week!  George Washington and Abe Lincoln are our main focus.  
Last week, we read about President Lincoln's hat and how it he put notes in it to refer to. Then, we each got a top hat to cut out and make in to something.  The topic was:  It looked like Abraham Lincoln's hat, but it was...  Look for these in the hall when you come to conferences!  They had cute ideas!

sight words:  an, each  (Please keep reviewing 1st-3rd quarter words.  Some are missing words that they already passed 2nd quarter.)
Letter of the week:  Kk

Math this week!  
Topic 8  Understanding Subtraction
We are learning how to take away and then will incorporate the minus sign and make the problem a subtraction sentence.  Try to throw in subtraction problems with your child using objects around you at home or in the car!

Subtraction flashcards will come home soon!  Please review the addition flashcards before beginning the subtraction flashcards.  They definitely need to understand addition before subtraction.

Coming up!  
Tues. Feb. 7        100's day celebration!  
Wed  Feb. 15      Parent/ Teacher Conferences (same times as the fall conferences)
Feb. 16-20           No school for Conference break and President's Day.

Sunflower Quilt
We read a sunflower book, wrote details we learned, and then chose a sentence to write under our sunflower.

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