Monday, November 20, 2017

Only two days this week!

It is crazy that Thanksgiving is so close!  We are having fun making Thanksgiving turkeys, singing songs, and learning more about Pilgrims and Indians and their first Thanksgiving Feast in 1621!

Tomorrow is our First Thanksgiving "Feast" as Indians with Mrs. Hanson's Pilgrims!  We made our Indian headdress today and will decorate a vest tomorrow!  Thank you to all the parents that have helped me prepare all that was needed for the day!  If your child doesn't have a brown shirt, they can wear a tan, gray, or neutral shirt.  

Look for pictures to come of our First Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast!

Letter of the week!  Short O
Sight word:  on

Math this week!
The introduction of 3D solid shapes!  The shapes we will learn about and describe are:  sphere, cube, cone, and rectangular prism.  The kids will learn which ones roll, slide, and stack.

Job Day change!  I love that so many of you are able and willing to share your job on Job Day, Dec. 8.  However, I just found out that I have to go out of town and will not be here on the 8th.  Would you be able to come on the 7th?  For those of you that sent in your "Job Day Application" slip, please let me know if you are still able to share on the 7th!  So sorry for the inconvenience of the date change.  

Coming up!
Nov. 22-26      Thanksgiving Break!!
Dec.  7              Job Day!  Date Change!
Dec. 18            Winter parties  2:30-3:15
Dec. 19             1/2 day for all
Dec. 20-Jan. 3  Christmas Vacation!!

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