Monday, November 27, 2017

The week of Nov. 27-Dec. 1.

The weekend was beautiful for Thanksgiving!  I hope your family had a wonderful time together!

Job Day!  I have 9 volunteers to share about their jobs on Dec. 7!  Thank you to those who are able to take time off at work to share!

I am just amazed with how much the kids are learning with our new reading program!  I hope you are also noticing how much your child has progressed since the beginning of the year!  Keep working on those sight words!  Only 3 more weeks until the quarter is over!  

This week we are talking more about making our sentences more interesting with descriptive verbs.  We will learn that we add -ed to a word to make it past tense.  Then, we are going to have fun making up fun sentences with colorful adjectives and verbs!  

Sight words:  mom, in
Letter of the week:  Hard Cc and Soft Cc

Please make sure you have your child read their little readers that come home once a week at least 2-3 times to someone.  If you can cover up the pictures after reading it 1-2 times, it will challenge them to read without the pictures!

Math this week!
Topic 4:  We are learning more about what 3D solid shapes are and what they can do.  Today, we sorted objects in to their correct categories of spheres, cubes, cylinders, cones, and rectangular prisms.  We will also be sorting 2D/3D shapes and sorting different types of food into the categories.  Then we will graph our results.

Social Studies--  This week we are beginning our Economics Unit.  We will learn about needs/wants, goods/services, producers/consumers, and community helpers.  

We only have one more week for our November book-it calendar.  Please continue to fill it out if when you read to or with your child!  Have them grab paper books from their bucket to read to you!  Let them read Level 1 books with you!  They will know many of the sight words in those books.  You read a page and let them read a page.  

Istation!  Let's get back on track after the break!  Only 10 min. a day will help them get their goal of 45 min. quickly!  Each gets on it here for 15- 20 min. once a week.

Coming up!
Dec.  7              Job Day! 
Dec. 18            Winter parties  2:30-3:15
Dec. 19             1/2 day for all
Dec. 20-Jan. 3  Christmas Vacation!!

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