Monday, January 29, 2018

The week of Jan. 29-Feb. 2.

Happy 157th Birthday Kansas!!!  January 29, 1861

What a fun day doing Kansas Day activities! Check out our sunflower hats we made today!  After we made our hats we sang a Kansas poem that we each had parts to!  We also played a Kansas symbol Bingo game, read Kansas books, and put our Kansas symbols in ABC order.  It was a fun day!


100th Day of school in Kindergarten!  Our official 100th day of school is Thursday, Feb. 1!  Have you helped your child think of their 100's Day food collection and their 100's Day collection yet!  You have 2 days left!  If your child's collection is ready, you are welcome to send them to school in a zip lock baggie with their name on both.  Please make sure the food item is an item that is not wrapped.  We are looking forward to another fun day of activities!  The fun just never ends in Kindergarten!

Parent/Teacher Conferences!  I will be sending out your confirmation date and time for your conference on Friday.  Please know that unlike 1st-5th, KDG does not have student led conferences.  We prefer your child to sit in the hall with something to do if they need to come with you.  Also, look for information coming home today about the art show that will be in the gym.  You are welcome to attend when you are here or come back with your child to check it out.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Our reading group time may not happen this week due to me needing to use that time for testing before conferences.  I may get a group or two in by the end of the week, but don't be surprised if you don't see a little reader this week!  I hope you are enjoying time with your child listening to them read the books that come home!  I can tell they are so proud of themselves and want to read the book!

I am testing over our 3rd quarter sight words, so please review those with your child at home!

Reading this week!  We will continue reading the fairy tales, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" and "The Three Little Pigs".  We will look for similarities and differences.

Letter of the week:  Dd
sight words:  are, her  (we are learning about the r-controlled vowels more with the "ar" and "er")

Groundhog's day is Friday, Feb. 2.  We will read about what it is, watch the video of Punxutawney Phil, the groundhog, in Punxutawney, Pennsylvania see if there's 6 more weeks of winter by seeing his shadow, and make our own groundhog to find his shadow outside.

In writing, we will learn about the author, Mo Williams, who has written the Pigeon books.  We will read, "The Pigeon Wants a Puppy", then we will create our own character for our a book we may write some day.  It's so interesting to learn how authors became authors!  

Math this week!
Topic 7 We will continue to learn more about addition using manipulatives and using strategies to solve them without manipulatives.  Last week we learned how doubles can help us add.  We are also learning how to count on beginning with the bigger number.  Each child will get addition facts to 5, and we will write answers for the facts on the back.  The kids will be able to get them out during their free time and practice them with a friend.

Coming up!
Feb. 1       100's Day--Has your child begun thinking about what to bring?
Feb. 9       Dental screening if you opt in for your child
Feb. 13     Valentine's Day Party   2:30-3:15  (party sacks made here)
Feb. 14/15  P/T conferences
Feb. 16/19      No School

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