Monday, January 8, 2018

The week of January 8-12!

We made it to 2018!  Wow!
I hope you had a fabulous holiday break!  See the Holiday party pictures at the bottom.

We are getting back in the swing of Kindergarten!  The kids have just done well picking up where we left off.

Tomorrow CCE gets to experience "Body Venture" during their specials!  It's a like a tunnel that shows the parts of the body throughout.  Adults will be explaining each body part as the kids venture through.  It's really cool!  Please make sure the kids wear socks, as no shoes or bare feet are allowed inside the Body Venture.

Please see the Book Bash info. letter in your child's folder today!  Please let them bring either a blanket, pillow, or stuffed animal that fits in their backpack.  They can also bring one book from home to read that's a favorite!

Reading this week!
Technology at home at School is our book that began today!  It is fun talking with the kids about the technology we have today compared to the "olden" days where there was no electricity.  We will also read a fiction book about "No Technology today".  The kids in the story have to go one whole day without technology.  They have to be creative and come up with what to do.  

I'm sure younger kids can come up with things to do better than older kids who are so accustomed to their devices by their side all the time.  

3rd Quarter sight words!
We have 16 sight words this quarter.  Please make sure your child is learning them!

Writing this week!
We continue to write everyday in our Shared Reading books.  Today the topic was about picking a gift they received for Christmas and writing a "Thank you" sentence to the person they got it from.  We talked about writing a Thank you with our own writing and how it is much more meaningful than typing a Thank you in an email.  

Social Studies this month!
We will be studying the Kansas symbols throughout the month.  Did you know there are eight symbols including the Kansas seal and the Jayhawk?  We will be learning that each of us born in Kansas are called Jayhawkers, even if we went to Kansas State University!  
Today we learned what our state flower is.  Ask your child to tell you!

I will be sending home a sheet for you to help your child fill out telling us what state they were born in and what the symbol for that state is; such as Jayhawker.  

We will also learn about a few famous people from Kansas and other information about Kansas.

Math this week!
Today we counted to 100 with a beach ball!  Then, we did the assignment filling in numbers on a hundreds chart.  We will be counting by ourselves to 50 on Thursday.  Please have your child practice counting to 50 before then.  They can keep going to 100 if they want!  Soon, we will be writing to 100 also!  

We will look for patterns on a 100 chart to help us write to 100.  

Coming Up!
Jan. 9       Body Venture (wear socks)
Jan. 12     Book Bash 
Jan. 15     MLK day--no school
Jan. 29     Kansas day (We will have fun celebrating!)
Jan. 30     100's Day as long as there's no snow days! (Info. will come home soon!)

Holiday Party!
Unwrap candy with gloves relay!

 Pin the nose on the snowman!

 Craft fun!

 Opening our present from Mrs. Scott

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