Monday, February 26, 2018

The week of Feb. 26-Mar. 2

What a beautiful day!  Finally!  It will be a long week for all of us for sure, after so many days off!

Thank you all for your help with our Valentine's Day Party!  See pictures below!

It was great meeting with all of you for conferences!  I hope you felt positive about your child's success so far this year!

Today we wrote our personal narratives with a beginning, middle, end sentence in their journals.  Each began with First, Next or Then, and Finally.  I was so proud of how they were able to do them mostly without my help!  That is a huge accomplishment!  Ask your child what they wrote about.  See if they can tell you their beginning, middle, and end story.

Olympic activities!  We will be having fun doing some Olympic activites for STEM on Thursday. (Science, Techology, Engineering, and Math)  Each group will have 10 min. at each station.  I will take pictures so you can see what they will be doing!

Reading this week!
We are reading about weather and seasons this week.
Sight words:  it, there
Letter of the week:  Kk--we will talk more about the "ck" sound on the end of a word.  Words that end in "ck" have a short vowel before it.

Spelling City--  If you look at the right side of my blog on the computer, you will find Spelling City.  It only has the first quarter sight words for your child to play games and have fun spelling the words.  It's another fun way to practice them!  If you have any questions, let me know.

Math this week!
We are finishing up subtraction, Topic 8.   Our next Topic will be More Addition and Subtraction, but will be presented in a different way.  The sum will be first.  (Addition flashcards are coming home if they chose to bring them home.)  The math skills for 3rd quarter are add and subtract problems using manipulatives, so no memorization is required in kindergarten.  However, I know that they all could memorize them going in to first grade if they just practice them!

4th quarter sight words!  We are on the last 2 words of 3rd quarter.  If you haven't begun, please start working on 4th quarter sight words.  All have passed the 3rd quarter words!  Yahoo!  The ice cream party is looking "sweet"!  I will attach the 4th quarter words.

Coming up!
Mar. 1      Kindergarten Olympics
Mar. 5-9   Dr. Seuss week
Mar. 12-19   spring break
Mar. 20     Back to school
Mar. 27     Kindergarten Round-up!
Mar. 29     Farm Day planning meeting at 4:15
Mar. 30     Puppet workshop from Stone Lion Puppets (more info. later)
Apr. 5        Spring pictures
Apr. 7        Fish Bowl Auction
Apr. 27      Kindergarten Open House (2:45-3:30)  Please come!  Only adults please!

Monday, February 12, 2018

The week of Feb. 12-15.

It is a short week for the kids, with only three days.  Parent Teacher Conferences are Wednesday evening and all day Thursday.  Please double check your day and time on the attached document.  Remember that there is no school, Thursday, the 15th, Friday, the 16th, or Monday, the 19th!
There is an art show in the gym during conference times.  You are welcome to check out your child's art and buy it in a frame!  Remember that we do not do student-led conferences in Kindergarten like grades 1-5, so if your child comes with you to see their art, they will need to sit out in the hall during our conference.

Valentine Sacks and cards!  We are making the sacks for the Valentine cards in class tomorrow.  If your child has their cards ready with their name on them, they can bring them, and I will let them drop them in the sacks.  Please remember they can write their classmates' names on the card, along with their name, if they can read the names.  I'm attaching the class list again for those that need it.
This is the first time I've let them write their classmates' names on them, so we'll see how it goes!  We've had more time to learn the names in our full day.  The party is  2:30-3:15.

Please know that Influenza and Strep Throat continue to show up in our class.  We wash our hands and sanitize throughout the day.  We are also not sharing pencils as much as it can be helped.  We are also trying to remember not to touch our faces.  This year has been a battle, that's for sure!  Hang in there!  We are hopefully getting close to the end of the flu season!

Reading this week!
We have sure learned a lot about important people to our country!  I am amazed at how much the kids are remembering too!  This week we are going to read/review important holidays and the people that holidays were made to celebrate for.

sight word:  how
letter of the week:  Ll

Social Studies:  We will continue to talk about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, along with our country's symbols.

Math this week:
Topic 8  Introduce Subtraction 
We played a fun game called "Bears in a Cave" with teddy bears and caves made out of bowls.  The kids made up subtraction stories putting bears in the cave and taking some out.  They always have to add the question at the end of their story, like "How many bears are left?".  Then, we wrote the subtraction problem on a sheet coming home.  See pics. below!

Wednesday will be a fun activity sorting and graphing using a colored candy!

In our calendar time, I have added the dollar bill,  half-dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, and penny.  We are learning the presidents on the coins, dollar bill and their value.

Coming up!
Feb. 13     Valentine's Day Party   2:30-3:15  (party sacks made here)
Feb. 14/15  P/T conferences
Feb. 15-19      No School

Bears in a Cave

Monday, February 5, 2018

The week of Feb. 5-9.

Snow, snow go away, come again another day (next year)!  We are so ready to play outside in warm weather!

100's Day!  We had a great time doing activities throughout the day!

Shaking up our Trail Mix!  We counted 2,200 pieces in our Trail Mix!  

January Book-it Calendars!  Please turn those in tomorrow if you haven't already.  I have one without a name that no one is claiming.  Please make sure both you and your child write your names at the bottom.  If your child's is lost, write on a paper that they have read at least 20 days.  The calendar and reading 10 min. a day for 20 days is required in Kindergarten.  The more you read the better reader you will become!  

Valentines--  Please remember to get your child Valentine cards to write their name on only if they choose not to add their classmates' names.  Send them in on Valentine's Day!  They have to be able to read their classmate's names to be able to  write them on the card.  

Reading this week!
We are talking about holidays, why we celebrate them and Presidents' Day!  We will also learn about Thomas Edison and write a thank you letter to him in our journal for inventing the light bulb!

George Washington and Abe Lincoln are the two presidents we will be reading about.  Then we will do a fun activity using Abe's hat.  The kids will have to be creative to make the hat in to something and tell what it is.  

Sight words this week --have, an (we will learn that we use the word an in front of any words beginning with a vowel.  ie. an apple

Sight word Incentive Party-  You will be seeing the reward to earn a scoop of ice cream if your child knows his/her 3rd quarter sight words this week.  

Double consonants--We have learned that we double a consonant when there is a vowel in front of it and it has 2 syllables; such as "puppy".  The class is also remembering to only split a word at the end of a line if there is more than one syllable.  Also you split between the syllables and add a dash.

Letter of the week--Ww

Math this week!
We are taking our addition test tomorrow.  Today we had fun playing "Around the World" with our addition flashcards.  Next, we will move on to Topic 8--Understanding Subtraction.

Coming up!
Feb. 9       Dental screening if you opt in for your child
Feb. 13     Valentine's Day Party   2:30-3:15  (party sacks made here)
Feb. 14/15  P/T conferences
Feb. 16/19      No School