Monday, February 12, 2018

The week of Feb. 12-15.

It is a short week for the kids, with only three days.  Parent Teacher Conferences are Wednesday evening and all day Thursday.  Please double check your day and time on the attached document.  Remember that there is no school, Thursday, the 15th, Friday, the 16th, or Monday, the 19th!
There is an art show in the gym during conference times.  You are welcome to check out your child's art and buy it in a frame!  Remember that we do not do student-led conferences in Kindergarten like grades 1-5, so if your child comes with you to see their art, they will need to sit out in the hall during our conference.

Valentine Sacks and cards!  We are making the sacks for the Valentine cards in class tomorrow.  If your child has their cards ready with their name on them, they can bring them, and I will let them drop them in the sacks.  Please remember they can write their classmates' names on the card, along with their name, if they can read the names.  I'm attaching the class list again for those that need it.
This is the first time I've let them write their classmates' names on them, so we'll see how it goes!  We've had more time to learn the names in our full day.  The party is  2:30-3:15.

Please know that Influenza and Strep Throat continue to show up in our class.  We wash our hands and sanitize throughout the day.  We are also not sharing pencils as much as it can be helped.  We are also trying to remember not to touch our faces.  This year has been a battle, that's for sure!  Hang in there!  We are hopefully getting close to the end of the flu season!

Reading this week!
We have sure learned a lot about important people to our country!  I am amazed at how much the kids are remembering too!  This week we are going to read/review important holidays and the people that holidays were made to celebrate for.

sight word:  how
letter of the week:  Ll

Social Studies:  We will continue to talk about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, along with our country's symbols.

Math this week:
Topic 8  Introduce Subtraction 
We played a fun game called "Bears in a Cave" with teddy bears and caves made out of bowls.  The kids made up subtraction stories putting bears in the cave and taking some out.  They always have to add the question at the end of their story, like "How many bears are left?".  Then, we wrote the subtraction problem on a sheet coming home.  See pics. below!

Wednesday will be a fun activity sorting and graphing using a colored candy!

In our calendar time, I have added the dollar bill,  half-dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, and penny.  We are learning the presidents on the coins, dollar bill and their value.

Coming up!
Feb. 13     Valentine's Day Party   2:30-3:15  (party sacks made here)
Feb. 14/15  P/T conferences
Feb. 15-19      No School

Bears in a Cave

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