Monday, February 26, 2018

The week of Feb. 26-Mar. 2

What a beautiful day!  Finally!  It will be a long week for all of us for sure, after so many days off!

Thank you all for your help with our Valentine's Day Party!  See pictures below!

It was great meeting with all of you for conferences!  I hope you felt positive about your child's success so far this year!

Today we wrote our personal narratives with a beginning, middle, end sentence in their journals.  Each began with First, Next or Then, and Finally.  I was so proud of how they were able to do them mostly without my help!  That is a huge accomplishment!  Ask your child what they wrote about.  See if they can tell you their beginning, middle, and end story.

Olympic activities!  We will be having fun doing some Olympic activites for STEM on Thursday. (Science, Techology, Engineering, and Math)  Each group will have 10 min. at each station.  I will take pictures so you can see what they will be doing!

Reading this week!
We are reading about weather and seasons this week.
Sight words:  it, there
Letter of the week:  Kk--we will talk more about the "ck" sound on the end of a word.  Words that end in "ck" have a short vowel before it.

Spelling City--  If you look at the right side of my blog on the computer, you will find Spelling City.  It only has the first quarter sight words for your child to play games and have fun spelling the words.  It's another fun way to practice them!  If you have any questions, let me know.

Math this week!
We are finishing up subtraction, Topic 8.   Our next Topic will be More Addition and Subtraction, but will be presented in a different way.  The sum will be first.  (Addition flashcards are coming home if they chose to bring them home.)  The math skills for 3rd quarter are add and subtract problems using manipulatives, so no memorization is required in kindergarten.  However, I know that they all could memorize them going in to first grade if they just practice them!

4th quarter sight words!  We are on the last 2 words of 3rd quarter.  If you haven't begun, please start working on 4th quarter sight words.  All have passed the 3rd quarter words!  Yahoo!  The ice cream party is looking "sweet"!  I will attach the 4th quarter words.

Coming up!
Mar. 1      Kindergarten Olympics
Mar. 5-9   Dr. Seuss week
Mar. 12-19   spring break
Mar. 20     Back to school
Mar. 27     Kindergarten Round-up!
Mar. 29     Farm Day planning meeting at 4:15
Mar. 30     Puppet workshop from Stone Lion Puppets (more info. later)
Apr. 5        Spring pictures
Apr. 7        Fish Bowl Auction
Apr. 27      Kindergarten Open House (2:45-3:30)  Please come!  Only adults please!

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