Monday, November 12, 2018

The week of Nov. 12-16.

More snow today!  These days are a little rowdier than others.  The kids get so excited to see it.

Happy Bear will be on Friday, so your child may talk about seeing a person in a bear costume talking about wanted and unwanted touches.  This would be a great time to elaborate at home if you haven't visited with your child about this yet.

This week we are finishing up our map unit by sharing our bedroom maps each day.  The kids did a good job adding details so we could picture their room.

Reading this week!
We are reading two fiction stories about animals and will be discussing more about conversations in stories.  The kids are quick to see the quotation marks and know that a character is talking in the book.
Today we made turkeys and wrote what our turkey is saying on a speech bubble!  They had fun coming up with ideas!

We have talked about nouns and verbs, and will look for words with -ed on the end in the stories.
Ask your child if they remember what a noun and verb is!

Sight word:  in
Letter of the week:  Hard C, Soft C

We finished our colors!!  Did your child tell you we made rainbow cookies on Thursday and got to eat them on Friday?  See the pictures below!

Math this week!
We have finished our Topic 5 over numbers 11-20.  Most of the class can identify and write the numbers.   Please review the numbers with your child tonight!  Ask them what they are and have them write them.  We have a test tomorrow.  

We reviewed today with the worksheets in their folders.  It would be good if you went over them with your child and made sure they understand the concept of finding a ten-writing 1 down, then counting the leftovers (ones) and writing them.  The test is real similar to the review sheets.

Coming Up!
Nov. 16     Happy Bear presentation
Nov. 21-25   Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 1        Winter Wonderland
Dec. 14      Job Day--info. coming home soon
Dec. 10     Last day before Christmas Vacation

Rainbow Cookies
They were amazed how big their cookies grew when they were baked!

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