Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The week of Nov. 27-30.

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving break with your family and friends!  After six days off, it will take a little time to get back in the swing of things at school.

Please visit with your child about being a responsible kindergartner by being a good listener when others have raised their hands to talk or when Mrs. Scott is teaching.  Thank you for your help at home!

Fall Picture Retakes--are this Thursday, Nov. 29. 

Winter Party!  I have one volunteer signed up for our Winter Party on Dec. 18.  Would one more person be able to help out Jessica Robinson?  It's much easier when two minds work together!  

Nov. Book it calendars!  Please send in book it calendars by Monday, Dec. 3rd signed by both parent and child.  

This week in reading we are reading a story called, Ungalala.  Ask me if it's a nonfiction or fiction book, who the characters are in it, and is there a problem and solution in the book.  Can your child tell you where the story takes place too?  (hint:  it's a continent where it's hot)

Context Clues:  This is a new skill that we will learn about this week!  We will figure out what a few words mean by reading the sentence they are in.

Letter of the week:  Hh
sight words:  mom, dad (again)

Social Studies: We began our Economics Unit that we will work on until Christmas Break.  
This week we are learning about Community Helpers.  We are reading books and making bubble map organizers about: nurses, veterinarians, fire fighters, and police officers.  Then the kids will choose which one they would like to be and we will make a class graph.

Job Day!  I will be sending home a note on Friday about Job Day.  It will explain what it is and hopefully entice you to share what you do at your job on Dec. 14!  Your kids may not know what you do and it's a great time for them to learn about your job and enjoy having you teach their friends too!

Math this week!
We are finishing up our math lessons on 2D Flat shapes and beginning to learn about 3D solid shapes.  Can your child describe how a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, and oval/ellipse look?
They will need to say: circle--is round, square--has 4 equal sides and 4 corners, rectangle--has 2 long and 2 short sides with 4 corners, triangle--has 3 sides and 3 corners, oval--is round and long.  Your child will be tested over describing the shapes so please review these with your child.  They need to also be able to tell what the shape is when described to them.  Thank you for working on this at home!

Handwriting this week:  We have finished writing the uppercase letters, so we will practice writing them all before moving on to lower case.

Coming up!
Nov. 29      Fall picture retakes
Dec. 1        Winter Wonderland
Dec. 14      Job Day--info. coming home soon
Dec. 18      Winter Party
Dec. 19     Last day before Christmas Vacation

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