Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The week of Dec. 10-14!

It is amazing how we are just about done with the semester!  It has just flown by and your kids academics have improved greatly since day one!  I'm so proud of how hard they have worked and you are working at home with them!

We continue each day to remember our class rules and are reminded of being respectful to all, taking ownership of our actions, and following directions.  These are all behaviors that we work on our first year of school, however I do notice that we fall backward when I'm gone or when we've had extra days off.  Please revisit appropriate behaviors before coming to school each day.  Thank you for your support at home!  It is much appreciated!

Job day is this Friday!  The kids will love hearing dads talk about their jobs, and whether you are a producer or consumer, buy/sell goods or do a service!  Thank you all for volunteering!

Social Studies!  We are finishing up our Economics Unit learning more about "Goods and Services", "Producers and Consumers", "Saving and Spending", and Job Day!  It's been a fun unit!

Reading/Social Studies:  Our reading unit is over Economics also.  Our big book is called, "Needs and Wants".  We have had many conversations about making choices on what should be bought first over wants. We have also talked about saving our money for what we really want, so we help mom and dad out on buying our wants.

Letter of the week:  short u (pointing up), long u (make a unicorn sign with pointer finger)
sight words:  but, with (these are the last two 2nd quarter sight words)

Math:  We are finishing up Topic 16 this week, Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing Shapes.  Today's math was a challenge.  Check it over and see what we had to do!  It looks easier than it is tracing shapes to make other shapes.

Handwriting this week:  We are now writing the lowercase letters.  They are much harder to write correctly!  This week we are writing the letters, "s, v, w".  

Coming up!

Dec. 14      Job Day--please fill out the form and turn in asap if you're interested!
Dec. 18      Winter Party--2:45-3:15
Dec. 19     Last day before Christmas Vacation--half day

Crazy Hair Day for those that chose to participate!

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