Monday, January 7, 2019

Jan. 7-11.

Welcome Back!  It sounds like the kids had a wonderful break!

We are getting back to the swing of our class rules.  Reminders at home to not blurt out are always helpful! Thank you!

Grade cards will be posted tomorrow after school.  Please take the time to get on Skyward and check out your child's progress 2nd quarter.  If you have any questions about either the skill section or comments, don't hesitate to ask!  A packet of info. will come home tomorrow, so please check your child's folder!

Book Bash!  This will be Thursday morning.  I emailed info. about it last Friday.  The kids know that they can only bring one item- a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal.

Please help your child get back on track by bringing their snack each day or making 5 snacks and leaving them in their backpack.  Thank you!

Reading this week!
We are reading a Realistic Fiction story called, "Munching Millie"  Ask me the characters, setting, and, beginning, middle, and end.  We are learning what a bad habit is.  Millie has a bad habit in the story. Can I tell you what it is?

Other skills this week--
Word families/rhyming words.  Not all rhyming words are word families such as- "read and feed".  But word families do rhyme like "had, bad, mad, sad".

Homophones-  to, too, two     red, read      blue, blew
We are learning the correct usage when writing with homophones.

Letter of the week:  Rr (we run in place while saying the "rrr" sound).
Sight words:  had, dad

Social Studies
Kansas symbols--Today we learned about our first Kansas symbol-the state flower, the sunflower.  We will be learning about many Kansas symbols this month leading up to Kansas Day on January 29. The rest of this week we will learn about the state tree-cottonwood, state animal-the bison, the state bird- the meadowlark and being a Jayhawker if you were born in Kansas. You may be surprised at some of the symbols as there may be a few new ones since you learned about them!

Math this week!--We are finishing up Topic 15 on Position and Location of Shapes.  Then we will begin Topic 6 on Numbers to 100!  We will be counting to 50 this quarter or further if your child is ready.

Handwriting--lowercase letters "t, a, d, g"  We will learn that a, d, g, are magic c letters that always begin with a c.  

Coming up!
Jan. 8    Grades posted at 4:00 and important information in folders
Jan. 10  Book Bash
Jan. 11   Mrs. Scott is gone.  Mrs. Draper is the substitute.
Jan. 18   Mrs. Scott is gone. Mrs. Draper is the substitute.
Jan. 21   No School-MLK Day
Jan. 29   Kansas' Birthday!
Jan. 30   100th Day of School!

Winter Holiday pics

Opening gifts!

Job Day was awesome!  
We learned about the jobs of these parents below!  Thank you for sharing what you do!  

Mrs. Heaton--Home Health Coordinator for a hospital.

Mr. Washatka-Civil Engineer

 Mr. Cavanaugh-- Smart City/Community Solutions

Mr. Gifford--A Fireman

 Mr. Dickerson--Security Engineer for Cybersecurity

Mr. Dickerson showing the inside of a computer.

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