Monday, August 26, 2019

The week of Aug. 26-30!

I hope you all had a great weekend! It was great meeting you again at Parent Info. Night!  Thank you so much for taking time out of your evening to learn what will be happening in KDG!  Please don't hesitate to email me if you ever have any questions or concerns!

Today was quite crazy with the storm that blew in, but the kids handled it well and really didn't get upset about it!  This week will be long for them so please make sure they are getting to bed early, to last throughout our long days!  A good breakfast is helpful too, so they aren't wanting snack as soon as they get here.  Also, remember to send a snack each day.  It's really helpful for you and them to make enough snacks for the week to keep in their backpack, so they always have one.  It is only a snack, so I only allow them to eat one snack a day, even if they bring two.  Thank you for your support on snacks!

Mrs. Hanson, our Art Teacher, sent an email for us to remind you to send in a buttoned-down, paint shirt by Friday.  The sooner the better!  The class will be painting in Art on Tuesday!  I would feel bad if they got paint on their clothes.  

Thank you to those that have been able to fill out the student bio form that was in the Parent Info. Night packet.  It's really helpful to me to know more about your child!  Please send them in soon!


Volunteers--I will be setting up days/times for volunteers in a week or two.  I feel like we need to establish the rules in our classroom before I have extra people in my room.  

Bucket!  I sent home the bucket for the paper books last Friday.  So far the "red" paper book and "I" book could go in there for your child to pull out and read to you.  We also learned the "red" song which is the "red" book, but we used our pointer finger to read the words in the "red" book since we knew them from the song.  Please make sure the bucket of books is in a safe place where little ones cannot get in to it and misplace the books. It will be full soon and hopefully your child will enjoy reading their books to you!

This week in reading!
Our reading program is called "Benchmark Analysis".  I will call it BA for short.  The first 15 days are a quick overview of all 26 letters and reading stories about school rules and being a good friend.  The kids sure know how to recognize when a character is a good friend or not, so we are having great conversations about good friends.

Sight words this week are:  like, yellow
Color word:  yellow
Letters:  Last week I introduced the letters: A-E with their actions and their sounds.  This week we are adding letters: F-J with their actions and sounds.  I am teaching them about the short and long vowels, along with hard/soft c.

Handwriting:  We are using our curves and lines to form all of the letters above along with the numbers to 5.  Then, we write them on a dry erase board.  It would be great for you to have your child practice writing the letters and numbers at home with a dry erase board, dry jello on a cookie sheet, playdough, sidewalk chalk, etc.  Find the letter verbiage in the packet to remind them how to write them correctly while saying the lines and curves.

Math this week!  Our math program is called Envision.  
We are counting numbers to 5 and learning how to fill in the same number of blanks, along with writing the numbers.  
Our first math packet will go home tomorrow and is due on Friday.  It got buried under my pile and I missed it to send it home today!  Sorry about that!  Please sit with your child and make sure they are writing the numbers correctly with a pencil.  If they write them incorrectly, it is difficult to change the habit.  Thank you so much for your help with this.  Also, watch that they hold their pencil correctly!

Coming up!
Tues. Aug. 27   Class pictures and individual pictures
Thurs. Aug. 29   Yellow Day
Mon.   Sept. 2    NO SCHOOL-Labor Day
Thurs. Sept. 5    Blue Day and Apple Day planning meeting at 4:15 in Ms. Arnote's room
Fri. Sept. 6         The author, Bridget Heos, will visit and talk about her Mustache Baby books!
                             Order forms are in the school newsletter!
Wed. Sept. 11      Pizza Shoppe family night for CCE!  A percentage of your meal will go back                                  to CCE.
Thurs. Sept. 12    Green Day
Fri. Sept 13         Lap-a-thon (more info. to come on our big fundraiser)

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