Monday, September 16, 2019

The week of Sept. 16-20.

The weekend was sure hot, and it's carrying over this week!  We'll look forward to fall weather the following week!

Look for Lap-a-thon pics below!  It was nice of you to come if you made it!  I think the kids enjoyed it!

This week we have the delayed start on Wednesday!  The day will be from 10:45-3:50.  Your child can arrive at 10:30!  I will have a sub. that day.  Mrs. Koehn, who the kids met this morning will be my sub.  Please visit with your child about being on their best behavior that day to help her out!

This week in reading!
Today I introduced the first of what's called, "The Daily Five".  It is five stations that the kids will be going to independently while I work with small groups.  We will be practicing each of them several times before they will be ready to work on their own.
1.  Read to self (they will have their own book box)
2.  Read to someone (with a stuffed animal)
3.  Listening center (listen to a book on a CD or on an Ipad)
4.  Word work--doing little activities in tubs on own
5.  Writing--enjoying writing activities

Letter of the week:  short a (we make and alligator mouth while saying the sound)
Sight words:  the, as
Color of the week:  purple (Brooklyn has the purple snack)

Handwriting:  We have finished writing our numbers to 10 and are beginning on Uppercase letters.  This week we will be writing:  F, E, D, P

Math this week!  We are on the last lessons of Comparing and Ordering 0-5. Our test will be this week and then we will begin Topic 3:  Numbers 6-10.

Little books--please help your child to make sure the little readers or color books that come home, are put in their bucket at home.  It's really helpful them to feel good about rereading books that they already know to build their confidence that they can read!  Also, please take time each night to read to your child.  It can also be before school, or anytime you can work it in.  Reading everyday to your child builds their vocabulary.  They love it when I read to them at school!  After reading, ask them who the characters, setting (where the story takes place), and what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story to check for comprehension!
Thank you for all you do at home!

Coming up!
Wed. Sept. 18      2 hour delay start of school--Kids come at 10:30, school begins at 10:45--dismissal is the normal time.  Remember to find out your child's lunch choice.  Hamburger, yogurt, or home lunch by the 17th.
Thurs.  Sept. 19    Purple Day,, All school photo at 9:00
Wed. Sept. 25        1/2 day school, Parent conferences beginning at 4:15
Thurs. Sept. 26     No School, Parent conferences
Fri. Sept. 27          No School
Fri. Oct. 4            Apple Day in the AM, fire truck visit!  Lap-a-thon donations due!


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