Monday, September 9, 2019

The week of Sept. 9-13!

I hope you all had a relaxing, wonderful weekend!  I sure did!  I feel so revived for the 5 day week!
I finally figured out how to download pictures to the blog thanks to my daughter!  I love that we gave her a Macbook a couple years ago, so she's way more familiar with Macs than myself!

Scroll down to view the pics if you haven't seen them yet!  The kids are having so much fun on the new playground and in our Imagination Station!  Has your son/daughter shared their favorite part about both of them?

Lap-a-thon!  The Lapathon is this Friday, Sept. 13.  KDG runs their laps at 12:05-12:20 right in front of our classroom in the bus loop.  All are welcome to come walk/run or cheer on your child!  Grandparents and friends are also welcome!  Each time your child runs a lap, they will get a loop on their wrist to keep track of how many they ran.  If anyone pledges a donation per lap, they will need to wait until after the Lap-a-thon to know how much they will be donating.
The loops will be sent home that day for the number!  If you have anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Reading this week!
This week we are beginning Unit 1 in our Benchmark Advance reading program.  We have been introducing all 26 letters and will now be focusing on a letter a week.  This week is letter M and it's sound /m/ as we act like we are mixing dough.  

I am also reading a nonfiction and fiction short story and comparing/contrasting them.  

Nouns --Person, Place, or Thing will be introduced this week also!  Ask your child to find nouns for you while in your car, walking in your neighborhood, or eating dinner!

Shared Reading is new for us this week.  We have a booklet for each Unit that has a story that we will be looking for different skills in.  Then, the students will be drawing a picture on a topic about the short story and beginning to write a sentence about their picture.  You will watch your child make leaps and bounds as these come home when we finish each unit.  Have fun watching them grow!!

Sight words:  not, if (How is your child doing learning their sight words so far?  Have you had a chance to cut up the 1st quarter sight word cards to review them?)
Color of the week:  Green . Dawson has the green snack Thursday!

Handwriting--We are finishing up learning to write the numbers to 10 . We have 8, 9, 10 left!  A packet will be coming home on Thursday and due back on Monday practicing these numbers!  The 8 is tricky to do, but once each can write an "S", they just go back home to finish the "8".  The 9 needs to be started like a "c", to not reverse it!  Thank you for watching your child make these at home!

Math this week!
This week we are continuing with "As many, more, and fewer" up to 5, which is a hard concept for many.  Reviewing at home by asking how many more or fewer of nouns will help your child get the concept in real world objects!  We are only comparing numbers to 5 to begin with which will help at home!
Writing the numbers 0-5 in order and putting number cards in order is also a concept in this math topic.  It's fun to use number cards, a dry erase board, or sidewalk chalk to write them in order to practice!

Coming up!
Wed. Sept. 11      Pizza Shoppe family night for CCE!  A percentage of your meal will go back                                  to CCE.
Thurs. Sept. 12    Green Day and Roller Skating Party 6-8 pm
Fri. Sept 13          Lap-a-thon --see above!
Wed. Sept. 18      2 hour delay start of school--Kids come at 10:30, school begins at 10:45--dismissal is the normal time.  Remember to find out your child's lunch choice.  Hamburger, yogurt, or home lunch by the 17th.
Thurs.  Sept. 19    Purple Day,, All school photo at 9:00
Wed. Sept. 25        1/2 day school, Parent conferences beginning at 4:15
Thurs. Sept. 26     No School, Parent conferences
Fri. Sept. 27          No School
Fri. Oct. 4            Apple Day in the AM

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