Monday, December 16, 2019

Job Day!

Thank you to all of the parents that shared at Job Day on Friday!  It was so much fun learning about new jobs!  The kids loved it and had great questions for all of the parents! Ask your child if the parents do a service or are producers/consumers.  Enjoy the pictures below. 

Hadley's dad, Ryan Ford--Architect
Mr. Ford talked about how he designs structures and is a producer. He had the class draw
designs for a playground on paper.  Then, they got to construct something using 
marshmallows and toothpicks.  

 Maeve's mom, Catie Brennan-Cosmetologist
Catie shared how she cuts, colors hair and can add extensions, along 
with doing make-up and nails.
Catie brought a hair extension and had her daughter, Maeve try it on.
Catie also does a service.

Emma's mom, Julie Pelcak is an Electrical Engineer
Julie brought wristwatches and showed us how Electrical Engineers put it together at
Garmin to make it work.  She works on the electronics for airplanes and she does a service.

Madeleine's mom, Kimberly Goff--Lawyer
Kimberly talked about how lawyers do a service by helping people.
Kimberly also talked about how she would have to talk to a 
judge to tell her client's case

Kinsley's mom, Heather Barkes--Dean of online Learning at Concorde College
Heather shared how she does a service by helping students in need of help with
online classes.

Brooklyn's dad, Alex Matthews--General Manager of Great Wolf Lodge
Alex informed us of how he helps run all of the departments in the lodge.  He does a service and 
is a consumer for the hotel.

John's mom, Jenny Rosinski--A psychologist at the Veteran's hospital
Jenny talked about how she does a service helping people feel better like our 
counselor here at school.

Our CCE Nurse-Amanda McGlasson
Amanda talked how she does a service for us.  She brought some of her 
medical supplies she uses as a nurse at school to show.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The week of Dec. 9-13.

I hope all had a great weekend!  I'm sure many of you were shopping like myself!  I feel so much better about having most gifts bought!

This week we will continue to focus on Economics in reading and social studies.  So far we have learned about needs/wants along with goods/services.  This week we will learn about producer and consumer.  This can be a conversation at home too if you are a producer at your job, or at home, along with when you are a consumer at the store!  Talk about it with your child in real-life situations to help him/her understand it easier.

This Friday is Job Day where parents share about their job.  We will look forward to learning about different jobs, whether you are a producer, consumer, community helper, etc!

Our next fun activity with parent involvement is the Book Bash on Friday, January 10!  There are 4 stations. I have these parents who signed up at Parent Info. Night: Heather Barkes, Missy Storm Kellee George, Joe Gauna/Gina Gauna.  If any of you are unable to make it, please let me know.  More information will be coming!
Thank you!

Sight words:  but, with (these are our last two 2nd quarter sight words) . Please keep reviewing these with your child even when I've sent home the ice cream certificate.  They tend to forget one or two after passing.  Thank you!

Letter of the week:  short and long Uu.

Math--The math test Identifying and Describing Shapes is coming home today. Please have your child practice describing the flat shapes to you--circle, rectangle, triangle, and square.

Now we are beginning our Topic on Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing Shapes.  We will learn which 3D shapes can stack, slide, and roll.

Coming up!
Dec. 13                      Job Day ( I will send out more info. soon)

Dec. 19                      Class parties 9-9:30, 1/2 day of school-dismiss at 12:10
Jan. 6 .                       3rd quarter begins!
Jan. 10                       Book Bash and Grades Posted
Jan. 20                        No School-MLK Day

Monday, December 2, 2019

The week of Dec. 2-6.

It is nice to get back to school and see your kiddos!  We have a busy week ahead with our B activities and beginning our Economics Unit.

Reading and Social Studies--We are joining these subjects together with our Economics Unit.  Today we learned about our Basic Needs--Food/water, clothing, shelter and the difference between "needs and wants".  The class has a good understanding of what would be a need or a want.  We also talked about why they should save their money and why we parents need to save money.

Also, we will learn about "Goods and Services" this week.  Those of you who have offered to come in to share about your job on Job Day, could talk about whether your job is a good, a service, or something else.  It will help the class understand what kind of job you do!

Letter of the week!  Bb
We will be reading Bear Books and comparing them.

Your child's teddy bear (stuffed animal) received an invitation to visit our class last week!  Please remember to  send a bear or another animal if they don't have a bear in their backpack on Friday for beary fun bear activities!

sight words:  and, you . ( Thank you for your help with learning the sight words at home!  They are really coming along with 1st and 2nd words!) . Don't forget about Spelling City for fun learning games!  Just go to the games for free when you find my name listed.  Spelling city is on the right side of the blog.  Please move on to 3rd quarter words if your child knows 1st/2nd words.

Math this week.
We have reviewed 2D Flat Shapes and are now moving on to 3D Solid Shapes--sphere, cube, cone, cylinder,  and rectangular prism.  Ask your child if they can describe the Flat shapes--circle (round), square- 4 equal side and 4 corners, rectangle--2 long side, 2 short sides, 4 corners, triangle--3 sides, 3 corners.  The kids will have to describe the shapes later on their own.

Winter Wonderland!  I hope you are able to come to some of the Book Fair activities this week too!  It's helpful to shop with your child for books as it's hard for our KDG to know how much the books are.

Our 3rd Grade buddies from Mrs. Judd's class helped us write our Thankful letters last week.  Mrs. Judd was babysitting a social dog, Chaney, so we got to sneak a picture and pet her.  See if your child can point out their buddy to you!

3rd Grade Buddies and Chaney

Our Indian headbands

Dec. 2-7 .                   Book Fair -our library time to visit the book fair is Thursday!  
Dec. 7 .                      Winter Wonderland 9-noon
Dec. 13                      Job Day ( I will send out more info. soon)

Dec. 19                      Class parties 9-9:30, 1/2 day of school-dismiss at 12:10