Monday, December 16, 2019

Job Day!

Thank you to all of the parents that shared at Job Day on Friday!  It was so much fun learning about new jobs!  The kids loved it and had great questions for all of the parents! Ask your child if the parents do a service or are producers/consumers.  Enjoy the pictures below. 

Hadley's dad, Ryan Ford--Architect
Mr. Ford talked about how he designs structures and is a producer. He had the class draw
designs for a playground on paper.  Then, they got to construct something using 
marshmallows and toothpicks.  

 Maeve's mom, Catie Brennan-Cosmetologist
Catie shared how she cuts, colors hair and can add extensions, along 
with doing make-up and nails.
Catie brought a hair extension and had her daughter, Maeve try it on.
Catie also does a service.

Emma's mom, Julie Pelcak is an Electrical Engineer
Julie brought wristwatches and showed us how Electrical Engineers put it together at
Garmin to make it work.  She works on the electronics for airplanes and she does a service.

Madeleine's mom, Kimberly Goff--Lawyer
Kimberly talked about how lawyers do a service by helping people.
Kimberly also talked about how she would have to talk to a 
judge to tell her client's case

Kinsley's mom, Heather Barkes--Dean of online Learning at Concorde College
Heather shared how she does a service by helping students in need of help with
online classes.

Brooklyn's dad, Alex Matthews--General Manager of Great Wolf Lodge
Alex informed us of how he helps run all of the departments in the lodge.  He does a service and 
is a consumer for the hotel.

John's mom, Jenny Rosinski--A psychologist at the Veteran's hospital
Jenny talked about how she does a service helping people feel better like our 
counselor here at school.

Our CCE Nurse-Amanda McGlasson
Amanda talked how she does a service for us.  She brought some of her 
medical supplies she uses as a nurse at school to show.

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