Monday, December 9, 2019

The week of Dec. 9-13.

I hope all had a great weekend!  I'm sure many of you were shopping like myself!  I feel so much better about having most gifts bought!

This week we will continue to focus on Economics in reading and social studies.  So far we have learned about needs/wants along with goods/services.  This week we will learn about producer and consumer.  This can be a conversation at home too if you are a producer at your job, or at home, along with when you are a consumer at the store!  Talk about it with your child in real-life situations to help him/her understand it easier.

This Friday is Job Day where parents share about their job.  We will look forward to learning about different jobs, whether you are a producer, consumer, community helper, etc!

Our next fun activity with parent involvement is the Book Bash on Friday, January 10!  There are 4 stations. I have these parents who signed up at Parent Info. Night: Heather Barkes, Missy Storm Kellee George, Joe Gauna/Gina Gauna.  If any of you are unable to make it, please let me know.  More information will be coming!
Thank you!

Sight words:  but, with (these are our last two 2nd quarter sight words) . Please keep reviewing these with your child even when I've sent home the ice cream certificate.  They tend to forget one or two after passing.  Thank you!

Letter of the week:  short and long Uu.

Math--The math test Identifying and Describing Shapes is coming home today. Please have your child practice describing the flat shapes to you--circle, rectangle, triangle, and square.

Now we are beginning our Topic on Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing Shapes.  We will learn which 3D shapes can stack, slide, and roll.

Coming up!
Dec. 13                      Job Day ( I will send out more info. soon)

Dec. 19                      Class parties 9-9:30, 1/2 day of school-dismiss at 12:10
Jan. 6 .                       3rd quarter begins!
Jan. 10                       Book Bash and Grades Posted
Jan. 20                        No School-MLK Day

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