Monday, January 13, 2020

The week of Jan. 13-17.

Thank heavens the snow is not "sticking" around!  We need to get out for fresh air!!
I appreciate dressing your children appropriately when it's cold.  It really helps with outdoor recess.  Thank you!

Also, thank you to the parents that were able to come in and read to the kids at the Book Bash and donate the gummy worms for a treat!  They had so much fun!  See pics below!

We have been learning a lot about Kansas Day Symbols.  I will be sending home a note today asking where your child was born and what the state symbol is like our Kansas symbol-the Jayhawk, for those born in Kansas.  Please fill it out and send it back by this Friday, Jan. 17.

The Kansas symbols we are learning about this week are:  The State Bird--The Western Meadowlark, State Insect--The Honeybee, The State Reptile--The Ornate Box Turtle, The State Amphibian--The Barred Tiger Salamander, and The State Fish--The Catfish.  

Reading this week!  We are reading short stories on learning a lesson.  Today we read a story about how teamwork is better than solving a problem alone.

Letter of the week:  short Ee . (short e word families, such as; --ed, --en, --et) . Make some short e word families at home.  (Ted, fed, shed)

Sight words:  3rd quarter words--for, his

Handwriting--We have begun writing lowercase letters.

Last name--Very soon we will be working on writing our last names with a capital at the beginning and lowercase for the rest of the letters.  Please begin having your child work on this at home, if they do not already know how to write their last name.

Math this week--Today we began our Topic on Numbers to 100!  We will begin learning about patterns when counting and writing numbers, how to count to 50, filling in blanks on a 100 chart, and eventually writing 1 to 100!

100's Day!  Right now our 100th Day of School falls on Jan. 29, which happens to be Kansas' birthday.  We do lots of activities on Kansas Day, but our 100's Day celebration will be on Jan. 29 and the Kansas Day activities will be on Jan. 30.  It is more important to celebrate how to make 100 after leading up to it since day 1 of school!  If we have a snow day before Jan. 29, our 100's Day celebration will be on Jan. 30.  A note will be coming home this week about 100's Day collections to bring to school.  We are so excited to celebrate!  The kids found out today that 100's Day is not the last day of Kindergarten!  😀

Imagination Station--We have a few changes in stations.  Check out the pictures below!

Coming up!
Jan. 20                        No School-MLK Day
Jan. 29                      100th Day of School!!
Jan. 30                      Kansas Day Activities
Feb. 1                        Books and Bling Dance at MTMS . 6 pm
Feb. 12                      Valentine's Party 11:15-11:45, Dismiss at 12:10, P/T conferences 4:15-8:00
Feb. 13                      P/T conferences all day--No School
Feb. 14/17                 No School
Feb. 21                      PTA  Family Movie Night 7 pm

Puppet Theater in Imagination Station

Big Blocks in the Sensory Station

More Magnatiles in Construction!

Book Bash Pics!

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