Monday, January 27, 2020

The week of Jan. 27-31.

It will be good to get back to a full week of school!  The kids are needing that routine again.

We have had fun with Gingerbread activities today!  I'm sure the scavenger hunt was the best!  Ask your child about it.  What did we find at the end of the hunt!

100's Day will be this Friday!  Several kids have already brought in their two 100 collections.  One being a food snack that is not wrapped and another of 100 items that can fit in a baggie.  Please make sure that your child is doing the counting not parents or siblings.  This is a great time to see if they can do it on their own yet.  If they need help, then please help them, but don't count for them!  We talked about counting by ones, tens ( you would have ten piles of ten things), or even 20 piles of 5 if they want to challenge themselves to count by 5's!  Please write their name on the baggie and make sure to have it here by Friday!  Thanks!

This week we are on the letter Dd and the sight words:  that, her.  

We are reading the tale, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".  This is a great tale to talk about how it's hard to know when they are really sick if they are just saying it to get out of class or to get attention.  Or I have caught kids telling tall tales about something to get attention or a reaction, and then I don't know what's true if they are telling the truth.  It's a good book to remind your child at home too, if you catch them telling a tall tale.

Math--We will be taking our Topic 6 math test tomorrow over Numbers to 100.  
Our next Topic 7 is over Understanding Addition.  We will begin by counting groups together, using "and" and "is" instead of a + or =.  

Kansas Day Activities will be on Kansas Day this Wednesday.  

Coming up!
Jan. 29                      Kansas Day Activities
Jan. 31                      100th Day of School!!
Feb. 1                        Books and Bling Dance at MTMS . 6 pm
Feb. 12                      Valentine's Party 11:15-11:50, Dismiss at 12:10, P/T conferences 4:15-8:00
Feb. 13                      P/T conferences all day--No School
Feb. 14/17                 No School
Feb. 21                      PTA  Family Movie Night 7 pm

Fun times in the IS!

We had 15 people that were born in Kansas and 6 who weren't.
It's the most I've ever had not born in Kansas!

Gingerbread Man/Girl comparison

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