Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The week of Mar. 15-19

 I feel like we are going a mile a minute in first grade this year!  We are always so busy in here!  Spring Fever is happening now!  The kids have grown so much this year and are really taking off in all subjects!  It's been so fun to watch their progression!

Tomorrow is Green Group's turn to share for Show and Tell.  Whatever they bring should fit in their backpack.  Yellow group's turn is Thursday.  

This week our spelling list is long o.  The test is Tues. Mar. 23, so we have less days to review.  Please don't wait on working on these at home!  Thank you!

Sight words:  will, up, about, other, out, many (man with a -y)

Pattern words:

Long o-silent e. (Tip:  when they hear a consonant after the long o sound it has the silent e)




Long o-ow (Tip:  when they hear the long sound at the end, the word has the ow)




Phonics--We are working on hearing all the sounds in words.  I give a word like "lunch" and they have to tell me each sound in the word.  (l-u-n-ch). This could be a skill to work on at home.  Give a word and they have to tell you each sound they hear.  Words that have an /n/ before the final consonant often stump them like in "lunch, ground, count".  The "n" is often left out.  

Little Readers--Thank you for listening to your child read the little readers 2-3 times at home!  It really makes a difference in their confidence and reading the book more fluently each time.  If they seem to be stumped on words, stop reading and write down the vocab. words in the book you think may be hard for them before reading on.  Go over the words with them by having them read them a couple times before reading it again.  Hopefully that helps them!  

Social Studies:  This week we are learning about Mount Rushmore and reviewing the symbols we have learned.  Ask your child who the 4 presidents are on Mount Rushmore!

George Washington- 1st pres., Abe Lincoln- 16th pres. Thomas Jefferson-3rd pres., and Teddy Roosevelt-26th president.  

Math--We finished our math test over 2 digit addition.  I will be sending it home tomorrow!

It was tough in some areas.  If you see a red "C" on a problem, I had your child correct it.

We began Chapter 7 on Graphing!  A homework page came home today.  Please have your child return it tomorrow!  Thank you!

Coming up!

Mar. 24-29.   Spring Break

Mar. 29.      No School -Professional Development/workday

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