Monday, March 1, 2021

The week of March 1-5!

 Wow!  We already made it to March!  We are loving the beautiful outdoor weather for recess!

It was great meeting with all of you for our zoom conferences!  Thank you for making the time to find out how your child is doing at school!  They've all made huge gains this year and will make even more the last quarter and a half!  

Below you will see many pictures from our 100's Day celebration!  Just a reminder to look for anything that might resemble what a 100 year old might wear this Friday, March 5.  I'm attaching the ideas on the letter I sent last week.

The next two weeks we are studying the long e for spelling and phonics.  This spelling unit will be tough with the ee and ea.  They will just have to memorize the spellings as there is not any tricks to learning them.   It would be helpful to begin working on 2-3 a day each day and reviewing the from the day before with the new words. I've told them the tricks for the sight words.   The list is coming home today.  The test will be on Mar. 12.

Spelling sight words:
1. what--wh--at
2. or
3. this
4. use--magic e makes the u long
5. each--ea -when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking
6. their
7. were

Pattern Words:
1.  keep
2.  sheep
3.  weed
4.  team
5.  heat
6.  beach on my blog!-- This is a great site to practice spelling words at home!  It has 9 free games that will have our spelling words on it.
Here's how you get to it!
2.  Search on the top menu.
3.  Teacher-Tricia Scott-Submit
4.  Find me and Clear Creek
5.  Long e spelling list-games
6.  If your child needs to work on 2nd or 3rd quarter sight words- they can also choose on of those lists to play.

Math:  Chapter 6--adding two digit plus one digit. I will probably be sending home more homework on this chapter.  I didn't require it today.

Social Studies/ELA:  Abraham Lincoln--We are learning about Honest Abe.  He's on the penny and the $5.

Coming up!
Mar. 24-29.   Spring Break
Mar. 29.      No School -Professional Development/workday

Writing with a Quill pen and ink like George Washington!

100's Day!

Counting to 100 by tens with Fruit Loops

We strung the Fruit Loops into necklaces!

Bouncing the ball counting by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's.

Cup Stacking with 100 Cups

Building the One Dollar Puzzle

Building with 100 linking cubes

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