Monday, May 24, 2021

The Last Week of First Grade!

 We are here!  The last week of school!  This crazy year is going down in the books as the most interesting year I've ever taught!  

We will be reviewing skills learned this week and throwing in some fun end-of-the-year activities.  

Math Books--We finished our math books but I'm hoping the kids will get them out once or twice a week and do a homework or review page that is still in there.  The main areas to continue working on are the addition, subtraction  and problem solving pages to keep working on those skills.  Those are mainly found in the Book 1, but the problem solving pages are in both books.  Make sure to have them tear the pages out they do and have you check them.  I wouldn't advise them tearing out all of the pages as they will get lost.

Reading--read, read, read with your child all summer.  Many skills were lost last year after losing 4th quarter in KDG and possibly not reading and working on sight words throughout the summer as we all are busy.  I am going to send home the Frye's 1-400 sight word list for you to practice with your child.  Almost all kids have passed to 100 which is the 1st grade goal.  The more sight words they know, the more fluent your child will read!  

Grade cards will come home on Friday!  I will send them along with other papers in an envelope.  

Tomorrow will be "Stuffed Animal" day!  It is our class reward!  Please make sure the stuffed animal fits in your child's backpack.  They are not to bring a separate bag with the animal in it.  The bigger they are the more distracting they are.

Math Tool Kits

I only have 11 math tool kits turned in.  Please look for those at home.  It's amazing how linking cubes get eaten in our cubbies and I need all of the linking cubes I can get for next year!  Thank you!

Dismissal is at 12:10 I believe on Friday.

Thank you!  I want to thank you all for your wonderful support at home this year with your child!  It sure makes my job so much easier to know that you will help mold your child at home as I am molding them at school.  You have awesome kids and I will miss them next year!  They will do great in 2nd grade!

Monday, May 17, 2021

The week of May 17-21.

Your child will be coming home today with their Animal Habitat Diorama. They did pretty well with what we had at school. Maybe they could add more to it with objects you have at home. Check out their Animal Research Fact Sheet telling what they learned about it on the Kids National Geographic website.

 This week is Beach Week!  We will be doing beach animal activities throughout the week!

Today we read Pout, Pout Fish and made a fish craft.  We will be doing graphing activities with gold fish crackers tomorrow.

We will also be reading fiction books on sandcastles, crabs, sharks, and shells.  

Our last spelling test on the color words will be Friday.  I will be gone Thursday and Friday getting ready for my daughter's high school graduation on Saturday.  Mrs. Goff will be here both days.

I have most of the bag of books and math tool kits.  If your child still has these at home, please send them in!  Thank you!

If your child hasn't passed all 100 sight words, a list of words to learn is also coming.  Please look for that.  They are so close!  I would like for them all to complete that goal!

Field Day pictures!!

Monday, May 10, 2021

The week of May 10-14

 Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful, caring, thoughtful mommas!  I hope you enjoyed reading your child's card.  :)

Our field day is now on Thursday this week!  The weather looks more promising on Thursday than Friday.  What do you need to do?  Just make sure your child has:

1. water bottle and snack

2. tennis shoes and comfortable play clothes

3. sunscreen already applied please

4. extra masks in case it gets wet

The lunch choices for the day are:  A-Italian sub sandwich, B-Jammy Sammy

I will ask your child tomorrow if they plan to bring a lunch or choose from A or B.

I will do my best to take pictures and send them in my blog!  


We are continuing this week with our animal unit.  Please send in a small shoebox asap.  I only have 10 so far.  If you have an extra at home, would you please send on in to help out a friend?  I would like them by Friday, so we can work on our diorama.

Thank you!


We will be finishing up our 3D shapes this week!  The last 2 weeks will be reviewing skills from the year.

Spelling words--I will be sending home the new spelling list tomorrow on color and number words.  Our last spelling test will be May 21.

Sight words!  Many of the kids have passed their 100 sight words.  I will be testing kids on the words they have left this week.  Please keep working on any they have not passed when I send them home.  I would love to have all of them passing all 100 before the end of the year!  Please keep reviewing all sight words throughout the summer to retain them and help your child read more fluently.


Bag of Books and Math Tool Kit Bag

It is time to begin collecting anything from home.  Please send these things back to school.

1.  The math tool kit that was given to your child at the beginning of the year when we were Hybrid.  It would have linking cubes, counters, dice, shapes (I think).  There may be other things, but that's what comes to mind.

2.  The bag of books-  Please turn these in soon!

Coming Up!

Thursday, May 13 Field Day

Fri. May 28.       Last day of first grade!!  It's a half day!

Pirate Day Picture!

We had a fun day Friday celebrating Pirate Day after learning about the "ar".  Pirates like to say "Aargh"!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The week of May 4-7

What a wonderful spring weather weekend!  It was great getting a lot accomplished outside.  I hope you enjoyed it too!

Chicks new home

The chicks made it back to the farm on Friday!  They are already missed by all!  What a fun experience for us and I'm so thankful for the PTO supplying the incubator for each KDG classroom.  Since it is a KDG incubator, it was my last year doing the chicks as I am going to stay in first grade next year.  I loved doing new and different things this year!  However, I will have to move down to the first grade classroom.  So, look for me on the way to 2nd grade next year!

Animal Science/ELA

We completed our unit on Plants and seeds.  We began talking about animals today.  Our main emphasis will be on types of animals, babies and parents, and their habitats.  I would like to end our animal unit with making a shoe box Diorama!  It will be fun creating a habitat for an animal.  Each child needs a shoebox from home.  You can begin bringing them in anytime.  Have your child write their name on the bottom of it please.


Our Math test on 2 D flat shapes is tomorrow.  Chapter 10 will begin on Thursday over 3D shapes.  Whew!  We made it!   It is our last chapter!


Today we practiced our spelling words.  It helped those that missed words know they need to work on them this week!  Stumper words:  two, write

Sight words:  look, two, more, write, go, see

Pattern words:









Our test is this Friday! Only a few days away!  Please work on these.  I told them those that get all 12 correct, will earn a piece of candy!

I'd like to do one more spelling test.  It will be on May 21.  I have always felt like KDG should be able to read and spell color words going in to first grade.  Since we missed 4th quarter, we didn't get that done.  So, the last spelling test will be on the color words:  red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange, brown, black, white.  I'm also adding four number words that are harder to spell.  three, four, seven, eight.

Thank you so much for your support at home!

Bag of Books and Math Tool Kit Bag

It is time to begin collecting anything from home.  Please send these things back to school.

1.  The math tool kit that was given to your child at the beginning of the year when we were Hybrid.  It would have linking cubes, counters, dice, shapes (I think).  There may be other things, but that's what comes to mind.

2.  The bag of books

Library book check in is May 17.  

Coming up!

Fri. May 14.       Field Day

Fri. May 28.       Last day of first grade!!  It's a half day!